The Critical Importance Of Screening For Getting The Women That You Want

Right now (unless you’re just a complete loser) there’s a girl who would be happy to give you head and get railed out by you just for the fun of it. Likewise right now there is a girl who even if you put on 20 lbs of muscle, increased your bank account by 1 million dollars, and became semi-famous just would not be interested in you at all. This is the reality of it all. Without screening you’re going to be wasting nearly all of your time and effort. Depending on what you want you have to filter for it. For example I know guys that complain about how the girls they meet and date aren’t open sexually.

So I ask them why then don’t they go after sexually open girls? For example if you want to have fun go for girls into S&M or strippers, some of the funnest and most open girls on the planet. Then I know guys who whine about their girlfriends or wife’s past when they picked them up from a bar and banged them first night and it’s like “Well what the hell did you expect?”. With a little bit of forethought and screening both guys could be happy instead of wondering why they didn’t get what they want. It’s sort of like grabbing a hammer to screw in a screw and thinking “Man this hammer really sucks for screwing in a screw”. Get what I’m saying. There are a couple things you need to understand about screening that will greatly help you get what you want with the opposite sex.

Don’t Chase The Unicorn

So in the retard-o-sphere this means that all women are evils sluts or something like that. But what I mean by unicorn is that most guys are looking for the girl that’ll fulfill their every sexual fantasy but is also a chaste loyal virgin at the same time. Two goals that are conflicting with one another. This isn’t to say that there aren’t girls who could be turned into this, simply that you shouldn’t think you have the exception to the rule and you shouldn’t go out trying to find the exception to the rule because that’s going to mean wasting a lot of time. Same with this, sure there are good girls in bars and slutty girls at nunneries but you’d waste a lot of time finding the exception.

You’d be better off finding slutty girls at bars and chaste girls at nunneries because the mathematics of it works in your favor. And everything is much easier when the mathematics of the situation works in your favor. So to sum this section all up, don’t chase the exception because it’ll waste a whole hell of a lot of time that could be spent getting what you want instead. Chances are you don’t have the unicorn and if you do then congrats but don’t expect it. Sort of like buying a lottery ticket you don’t expect to win, I mean if you do then that’s freaking awesome, but not something you should expect going in.

Screening For Attraction

So I’ll take this broad first and then I’ll take this narrow. When you just want to get laid or get a girlfriend or really whatever with a girl here’s what not to do. Spam approach every girl on the street or at the bar or anywhere else. This is a great way to look socially retarded, get thrown in jail, and assure any girl that was interested in you is now not. Instead the first thing you should do is screen for girls that are attracted to you. Attraction is not a choice and not something that is really created (at least in the way that you think) but rather something that is already there that you then capitalize on.

This is why you’ll be 100 times more successful if you look for girls that are smiling at you, making eye contact with you, and so on and so forth. Girls that are showing in some way, shape, or form that they already have some sort of interest in you and then capitalize on that. Screen for girls that are actually interested in you and you’ll make your “job” so much easier. Now if you say “Well no girls seem interested in me or the girls I want don’t seem interested” then you need to build more value. Spam approaching them isn’t going to overcome this, becoming a more attractive man is. Not to say never take a risk of course but be smart about it.

Screening For What You Want

So like I was saying above. Don’t look for the threesome girl in Sunday school and don’t look for your wife at the strip club. Are there exceptions? Yes, you and I both know there are but who the hell cares? Remember don’t chase the unicorn. If you’re looking for fun kinky sex things like threesomes and the like then hang out with strippers and women in the kinky community. They’re tons of fun and love to experiment and try new things. However if you date or marry one of these girls don’t cry when she cheats or isn’t wife material. Likewise if you’re looking for a wife then going to church is going to put the odds in your favor more than going to a bar.

If you’re at a Vegas pool party it’s not time to find a girl for a long term thing. Also if you’re banging a girl out in the bathroom that you just met 5 minutes before and have to ask “Would this girl make a good wife” you deserve what you get. Don’t laugh, I’ve seen this happen to guys who were otherwise very smart in most other areas of their lives. Screen for what you want and go to the places where that is most likely to happen. If you want fun then go to fun, if you want quality then go to quality (not saying a quality girl can’t be fun), and so on and so forth.

Screen To Win

I’m sure you can see how much easier this would make your life and getting what you want when it comes to the opposite sex. It saves time, effort, and gets you what you want far more often. For example if you want pizza for dinner you go to the Italian restaurant not the ice cream parlor. And likewise if you want ice cream then you go to the ice cream parlor and not the bakery. And so on and so forth. So go out there and screen to get what you want.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge