The 80/20 Rule & Getting Laid Like Tile

There are rules that govern the universe. A pattern of sorts that gets repeated on and on. Some of these rules have been discovered and understood by men while others have not and probably never will be. For example things like the golden ratio which represent order and aesthetics. It applies to architecture, artwork, and even the human body. Believe it or not but part of the reason that you’re inspired by a grand cathedral has much in common with why you’re “inspired” by a Playboy centerfold.

This mathmatics of the universe is interesting to say the least. The hidden order or code that lies behind things. And is there to be taken advantage of by the intelligent who can grasp and understand it. One of these rules so to speak is the Pareto Principle, a principle discovered by an Italian economist having to do with land and wealth but soon found to transfer to pretty much everything that there is on this earth.

Pareto & You

Pareto originally discovered that 80% of land (or maybe it was wealth) was owned by 20% of the people, something that hasn’t really changed since his time. But like I said this applies to far more than wealth distribution into all facets of life. For example if you have a sales force of 100 salesmen 20 percent of those salesmen are going to make 80% of sales. But it gets even more interesting than that. Not only will 20% of those salesmen make 80% of sales but the 20% of the 20% will make 80% of the sales of the 20%.

In English this means that the Pareto Principle repeats itself, where 4 of those salesmen (20% of 20) will make 80% of those 80 sales). So 4% of the salesmen will generate on their own 64 of the 100 total sales. So why does this matter and what the heck does it have to do with you getting laid more than you could possibly want?

Well quite a lot actually.

King Of The Jungle

Now you’ve probably heard that 20% of men sleep with 80% of women and that because of this statistic many have focused on getting into that 20% of men. To become the King Of The Jungle so to speak. And for a guy who wants to get laid a lot this makes perfect sense. After all if you’re in the 80% you’re pretty much going to be fighting for low tier entitled table scraps that the rest of the 80% of competing for.

This is one reason that a 5 or 6 will have 10 times the ego of a 7 or 8 weirdly. But anyways in order to get laid like tile then you’ll certainly want to count yourself among this group of men. Thankfully I have written an in depth guide that shows you exactly how to do this step by step and will allow you to have relations with more women then you’ll know what to do with. You can pick up your copy here (only purchase if you don’t mind having sex with lots of beautiful women).

But there’s a way to make this even more powerful.

Screening & The Other Side Of The Coin

While focusing on becoming the “best version of yourself” is great it’s only half of the equation. There are women out there who no matter how studly you are just aren’t going to sleep with you. Likewise there are women out there who’d sleep with you if you were 1/2 the man that you are now. This is just a fact. One mistake than many men make is focusing only on themselves and not the women that they’re attracting. Because the principle applies the other way as well.

Meaning that there are women that are having far more sex than others (duh), but what most males do is chase after women regardless of their receptivity or general nature. Essentially what this means is that if you want to get laid a lot then screen for women that like to get laid a lot. This may seem incredibly obvious but that doesn’t mean it’s what men actually do when they’re looking to get laid.

Dual Factors

So in order to get laid more than you ever thought possible or know what to with then follow the Pareto Principle on both sides. Become the top 20% of men as well as screen for women that would be in the top 20% of women when it comes to promiscuity. It’s one thing to understand this on a conceptual level but another to apply it in real life. If getting laid a lot is what you want then this is what you should do. It’s the simplest and most direct path to “fulfilling your goal”. Just prepared to be underwhelmed as getting laid a lot will not bring you fulfillment or happiness, but it is fun.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge