The Best Thing You Can Do To Raise Your Income Drastically As Quickly As Possible

There is a lot of advice out there in regards to money. Some it good, some of it okay, some it amazing, but most of it downright awful. And I’m not even talking about the whole buy my 500$ course and learn to be a 20 something millionaire like me or anything like that, though obviously stuff like that is included in the downright awful category. But also is the nickel and diming your way to riches that never actually pans out except for those with huge incomes.

Or the advice that not having that coffee every morning will make you safe in your later years. That’s not the right way to look at things and more and more in the way the modern economy is shaping up is going to end up screwing you over if you keep believing in it. This isn’t the 1950’s anymore and it’s never going to be again. We live in a different economy (not to mention world and culture) and things that were once assets can become liabilities.

For example staying loyal to a company, just working hard and being honest (and expecting that to be enough), and a few other key things. No in order to make it in this modern economy and world you can’t just be hardworking you have to be smart, crafty, and savvy as well. Hence one (of the many) reasons that I’m always recommending you pick up sales, marketing, and copywriting skills regardless of your profession. Those are essential but there are other things you can do as well.

The One Thing

Without books I would make 1/10th of the money that I do and that’s a fact. Books have given me an education that I never had (or could get) in school and reading is one of the very few things that the vast majority of successful people share in common. They’re voracious readers, generally of non-fiction (though fiction has its place as well). When reading a book you can get knowledge easy that others sweat and strove for, thus giving you a leg up on the competition.

It’s so easy to get your money’s worth out a book. I can think of very few books regarding money that I’ve bought that haven’t been worth my time and effort in reading as far as ROI goes. You really only need to get one thing from a book to make it all worth it. For example every Dan Kennedy book that I’ve read I’ve gotten at the very least three ideas to apply to my businesses and that have gone on to make me a decent amount of money, sometimes much more than a decent amount to.

There are other authors that are somewhat similar to this as well for example MJ DeMarco is another one as is Mike Michalowicz and Grant Cardone. All individuals that without I would not be where I am today (or would have taken a lot longer to get here). Which brings me back to the title of this article. An idea I recently got from a book that is great for laser focusing your money making skills and increasing your income.

Dan Lok’s F. U. Money

I recently read a book called F. U. Money by Dan Lok and I’ll admit it’s not one that I’d usually read. The title is cheesy and Lok at first glance seems like some scammy late night salesman. But it was recommended to me by an individual I trust so I ended up reading it and enjoying it. Sure some of it is rah-rah stuff that you can get anywhere else but there were also a few chapters that were very illuminating and like I said above it really only takes one idea to make your time worth it.

And with F. U. Money I got more than just one idea, but there was one in particular that I wanted to share with you here today from the book. And that is the idea of a daily income goal and focusing on this above everything else. Not this isn’t rocket science or anything new and probably sounds a bit cheesy and too simple to be worth investing in. But you’d be wrong for a couple of reasons.

The daily income goal is simply taking a sheet and writing down how much you’d have to make every day to hit your target goal and then seeing how much you actually pull in each day and taking actions for those two to meet. This obviously requires investing in multiple income streams as well as having forms of both active and passive income as well. It highlights when something is wrong in black and white as well as tells you when things are right.

Closing The Gap

So maybe you want to make 500$ a day including weekends and you find that you’re at 300$ a day with your current job and doing some…let’s say design work on the side. What could you do to change this? Let’s say you can’t work anymore hours and the design job is taking up about as much as it can at this point. What are your options? Well one thing you could look as is moving into the how to information side of the design business.

Which is usually more profitable than the actual doing anyways (which is why everyone and their mother gets into it usually). You don’t have to be the next big time guru to start adding extra money to your account. Just maybe sell a little info e-book on the side for a cheap price for something that you know the market needs or that your customers are constantly asking for. Will it get you to 500$ right away and close that gap?

No, it might never do that. But it will get you thinking and will get you going in the right direction. Which could very well lead to closing that gap and getting to the 500$ every day. Or another scenario say you’re a self-published author and currently making 100$ a day and want to get to 200$ a day. So you look at your books and see which ones are making you the most money and then perhaps write a sequel or a book in the same vein as that one.

Take Stock Each Day

Slowly but surely you’ll work through what does and doesn’t work each and every day and slowly whittle down that gap. Even if it seems like progress isn’t being made as long as you’re trying something and moving forward than you can rest assured that progress is in fact being made. It might be a slow process but it’s a very important one. So write down your daily income goal to hit your yearly desired income.

And then tally it up to see where you stand. More than likely there will be a discrepancy. Then start brainstorming ways to make up for that discrepancy and then start taking action to make it so. Little by little (though the actual income increase will likely come in leaps) you’ll start closing that gap and eventually get to where you want. It’s simple but when used it’s also incredibly effective when stuck with. So stick with it and close that gap.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge