How To Grow A Beard Fast: 7 Tips For A Beastly Face (Alex Rogers)

This is a guest post by Alex Rogers. Alex is a beard aficionado who loves everything to do with men’s style and grooming. After discovering how much difference simple style and grooming made to his life; he started his blog and brand Norse Grooming to share valuable tips & products with others.

Some dudes know how to grow a beard instinctively. They just sit around and twirl their fingers in their luscious facial hair. You’ll see them strutting around like rugged bear men, and all the women will see them too. 

Other men need to put in some effort to get that fuller, sexier beard. Maybe we didn’t get those Viking genes, or we’re still finding our beard potential. If you belong in the second category of men, as I do, I’ve got some great news: this article has a list of things you can do to reach grizzly mode, which includes everything from diet changes to using an all-natural growth oil.

Tip #1 – Hunt and forage for beard friendly chow

Foods like fruits, veggies, and a wide selection of meats contain a magical vitamin which ensures skin, nail, and hair health. In fact, this enzyme has been proven to promote thicker hair by scientists (who I imagine have big, wise beards). It’s called Biotin, and it’s a B-vitamin. 

Here is a list of five biotin-rich foods you should eat more of:

  1. Green peas
  2. Bananas
  3. Sunflower seeds
  4. Avocado
  5. Salmon
  6. Meat

Eating as many of these foods as possible will help optimise your nutrition and your hormones for maximum manliness.

Tip #2 – Do manly things

There’s a quote that boy’s clubs sometimes use before they drink whiskey or smoke cigars. They’ll say, “It’ll put hair on your chest.” Is this true? And if so, do these “manly” activities put hair on your face too?

Believe it or not, there’s some truth to this saying. Although it may not come from things like booze and cigars, you can get a fuller beard from high-intensity training and by lifting weights. Exercising boosts testosterone levels which help to grow hair in manly places. 

Tip #3 – Take supplements

You can stuff your face with all kinds of food which contain the vitamins and nutrients you need to grow a sweet face mane. But then you might look more like Santa than King Leonidas.

Instead, why not eat reasonable portions and try our 100% natural growth vitamins. These supplements contain 12 beard boosting ingredients such as biotin, horsetail extract, and saw palmetto. By taking just two capsules per day, you’ll remove the guesswork of which and what dose of vitamins you need to optimize beard growth. 

Tip #4 – Oil up that fuzz

High-quality beard oils can supercharge that beastly beard you lie awake praying for at night. They do so by feeding your hair follicles and bringing stagnant hairs back to life. 

Even if it does not stimulate growth, it makes beards look and feel fuller as well as smoother.

We recommend using our NORSE Beard Oil in conjunction with a comb to make sure the goodness gets spread evenly. 

Tip #5 – Get the juices flowing

Great blood flow stimulates growth to more than just your sex parts. It also makes your beard grow bigger and badder. If you weren’t too busy flirting with girls in science class, you might remember that blood is rich in things you need to grow and repair your body, and that includes hair. 

We recommend exercising and including more iron in your diet. 

Tip #6 – Beard combs and brushes

Combing one’s beard is often an overlooked step in growing a thicker, healthier beard. But similar to brushing your teeth, it should be done on the daily. 

Combs and brushes create an ideal environment for hair to grow. They do this by exfoliating the dead skin cells to invite new, healthy ones. This act also gets the blood flowing, which you learned the importance of earlier in the previous point. 

Tip #7 – Don’t trim; tame

Some of your hairs need to be broken to your will as if they’re wild stallions. When you can tame unruly hairs, instead of pruning them, you’ll have a more prominent bush to work with. 

But how do you control these rogue strands? I recommend using a natural beard balm to train your hair to grow in the proper direction. Your beard will look fuller. The balm often contains lots of nutrients too, which helps your prized facial plumage grow faster. 

Once you implement the previous steps, you’ll never have to ask Google “how to grow a beard” again. Instead, you might need to ask how to get your beard to settle down because it’s growing so much it starts spreading all over your entire body and oh God it’s wrapping around my neck and covering my mouth, and I can’t breathe please send help!

Charles Sledge