Some Thoughts On “Controlling The Frame” With Women & Life

Lots has been written about what exactly frame is and how to control it and why it is important. The Rational Male has some very good stuff on this. Here I don’t intend to rehash what’s been said but rather look at this subject from a slightly different angle while covering the basics. So the first thing to understand is that “frame” is a relatively simple subject but one that has many layers of complexity to it.

Meaning that put simply frame is who’s “worldview” or “frame of reference” is dominant. Who is entering who’s world. Who is in a word, dominant? And not dominant in the domineering, try hard, dick measuring sort of way. But in a natural way. Frame is something that happens naturally and not something that has to be constantly forced though one will have a “battle of frames” with everyone they meet.

But this battle will most likely resolve itself naturally if one has a strong frame. But I know I’m getting ahead of myself and probably have you more confused than you were when you started this article. Also understand that frame applies to all aspects of life not just women and that one does not always have to “control the frame” or even have the dominant frame either. For example if you’re the student then the teacher’s frame will be dominant and should be at least in that respective field. But again we’re making something simple overly complex here.

Having A Strong Frame

If I could sum this up with one sentence having a strong frame would mean having high amounts of confidence or faith in oneself without being arrogant or foolish. It means one trusts oneself and has confidence that there decisions, thoughts, and actions have weight and meaning. As an example someone who steps into a boxing ring for their first sparring session is going to have a far weaker frame than a guy who has 10 fights under his belt. And this applies in many areas in life.

Also being strong in one frame will help one be strong in another. For example if you’ve overcome many challenges say at a hard working job then the general things life throws at you will be “easier” to deal with (or at least beat you down less) than if you had never experienced adversity of challenge before. Put simply the coal miner is going to be less affected by a change of frame than the trust fund kid (again most likely).

Having a strong frame comes from belief in oneself and life experience. Naturally the more masculine that one is the more natural of a strong frame that he will have. Again I want to make clear having a strong frame isn’t some insecure dick measuring contest like you see most engage in. Doing so is a great example of insecurity and having a weak frame. So again having a strong frame is something that should more often than not happen naturally not something you have to expend effort for in every interaction (good sign you have a weak frame if you have to).

Having A Strong Frame & Attracting Women

So the thing that interests most males most about having a strong frame is how it makes them more attractive to women. So one of the best ways of putting this I can think of is that having a strong frame means that a woman enters your world (because you’re an interesting guy with a lot going on, and not to impress women but because that’s what a lot of life is about) instead of you entering her world. Now don’t be neurotic about this and think you can never do a woman’s hobby with her or anything, that’s ridiculous.

Just that you have a strong frame that isn’t going to be tossed and turned by every little wind that blows by. The girl you’re with is going to enter your world and be awed and amazed by it. This is something that artists do a very good job of and one reason they are attractive to women. Women want to enter a man’s world and get lost in it, get lost in him. And this isn’t something that happens with a wimpy guy who never goes out and experiences life.

Again as I’ve said a million times pretty much everything that is attractive to women is just part of being a man. Yin and yang and all of that. A guy with a strong frame is having an impact on the world, he is impacting the world with his frame (yes, there are similarities here with something else) and that’s attractive to women and something that you should naturally be doing as a man.

Is It “Controlling” The Frame?

I’m not sure if “controlling” really gives the best connotation just like “frame battle”. Because yes these things are taking place but when you have to constantly monitor them it simply means that you don’t have much of a frame and have other work that needs to be done (plus it’d be exhaustive). But yes there are times when you may need to “assert” your frame a little more but the more that this is just done naturally the better.

Again it is NOT a dick measuring contest, when that happens you have two extremely weak and insecure frames going against each other. The dominant frame is generally going to be cool, calm, and collected unless called upon to be otherwise. When you have passions and live an interesting life it’s easy to get others swept up into your frame, same when you’ve endured lots of hardship and overcome many challenges (and real ones not “challenges” that really aren’t challenges at all).

This is in no way, shape, or form the last word on frame nor is it a complete explanation of the thing. That’d require more space and someone who has dedicated more thought to the thing. Like I said its best to have this (along with many other things) happen as naturally as possible. Put in the work into being a man and you’ll naturally be attractive to women and you’ll naturally have a strong frame.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge