Members Only Post #47 – Finding Meaning In A Meaningless World

Meaning is important. A man could seemingly have “everything” and yet end up ending it all because he doesn’t have meaning. I’ve found myself in this situation more than once. For starters I should note that this little essay here in no way, shape, or form is designed to solve all your problems or answer the question of meaning. That’s far beyond what any one essay or probably man can do.

But I’ll do what I can to add to this because it’s something that I’ve had many many struggles with and its led to some dark places. Also I’m not a professional and if you’re struggling with something like suicide here’s the suicide hotline: 1-800-273-8255. But with that being said let’s dive into this lack of meaning.

I’ve noticed that lack of meaning isn’t as prevalent in those that have families and close social bonds. And obviously there is something to this. And it’s more than just having a friend group, it’s about something deeper. But go out and have a family or be part of a close knit family isn’t exactly practical advice for someone struggling for meaning in the here and now.

Finding Meaning

There’s a quote from the movie Fight Club (I can’t remember if it’s in the book or not) that goes “We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War’s a spiritual war… our Great Depression is our lives.” and while when I heard that it certainly registered with me it wasn’t until later in life that I found out just how true…and dangerous, that was.

When I looked at and achieved many of the things that I sought. Whether it was making X amount of money, doing Y amount of travel, having choices with Z amount of girls, I slowly but surely figured out that it did very little to fulfill me and that I had been chasing after something that I didn’t really want the entire time. That’s not to say I didn’t learn valuable things along the way, just that the end goals were not what I thought they’d be.

Man was made to do more than simply work, consume, and have dopamine stimulated. It takes more to make a life and make a life worth living. We’re not going to get meaning from supporting some political organization, from consuming certain brands, from supporting the right causes, or from working for the right company. Meaning comes from far deeper and more primal and ancient plains.

Going Beyond The Noise

Meaning has to do with the human spirit and its connection to the deep things of this world. I believe this is why things like meditation, being in nature, fighting, and close social bonds help to give meaning to a life. Because of the ancientness and the “rightness” of these things. Because they resonate deep within man and the way he was created to be.

And it is returning to these deep and ancient things that can renew a life and help give meaning to it. Or at least stave off the dark until meaning can be assembled and found. Like I said this isn’t something that I have the exact answer for. I’m still on this journey and looking and I don’t know ultimately where it will lead or if it will work.

All I can do is say what has worked for me and has helped me and point others in the right direction and hope that it does something. Nothing more and nothing less. The modern world is a deadly place filled with deadly things that destroy not just the mind and the body but also the spirit and as a wise man once said what use is it to gain the world but lose one’s soul?

Fire In The Iron Age

This is not an easy task. That I am sure of from my own experience and the experience of those that walk with me. It takes work but things get better and you get stronger. Little by little the fire grows and grows and grows and the light gets brighter and brighter and brighter. But you have to work at it and having the right people with you helps tremendously.

Like I said I’m not a professional and a single essay isn’t going to change anything drastically. It was just something that I felt like I should write on and will most likely write more on in the future. Look to the past to kindle a flame for the future and don’t let the present drag you down or overwhelm you. Easier said than done I know. But there is hope, there is always hope for those that are willing to fight.

Charles Sledge