Only Weak Men Are Controlled By Sex

I guess for the title of this article I should have wrote “Only weak males are controlled by sex” as by our definition of men on this site (being something distinct and greater than simply male) a man would not be controlled by sex. But that makes for an awkward title and probably wouldn’t be the best for search engines (not that I do the best job of writing for them anyways). It’s amazing the many various things that a male will give his power away to.

Other people, bosses, corporations, nations, religions, family members, women, the list goes on and on. Sometimes this is needed and wanted, as we give part of our power over to the state for protection and such (a bit ironic in many places in America and the West anymore, but that’s a topic for another time and perhaps another site). And so on and so forth. We barter with our power each and every day. And this is not a bad thing.

I don’t say “It’s amazing” because we should gawk with horror at these things but rather because the list is truly long and varied. Power bartering is a natural part of life, always has been and always will be. However there is a right way and a wrong way to do. In theory one should only give their power away to things that benefit them however in practice this isn’t always going to be the case (AKA the government and such). But one should limit this unfair trade as much as possible.

Sex Obsession & Society

You used to hear a lot (especially from religious sections of society) that our culture was becoming more and more obsessed with sex and that this was a bad thing. Usually these individuals were written off as old fashioned, boring, or just not getting enough themselves but there was and certainly is some truth to this. Our society has become more and more obsessed with sex and it is to our detriment.

Here’s the thing, sex is just sex. It’s not the most amazing thing in life, it’s just one part of life. Yeah it feels great and is certainly a healthy part of life, no doubt. But to make it the end all be all is just foolish and a bit pathetic. Only dorks and people actually not getting enough obsess over sex (maybe they were projecting onto their religious counterparts?). Aside from that it’s really not that big of a part of life.

That’s why it cracks me up guys who are virgins wanting to within a week be juggling a harem of twelve girls. My question would be “Why? What do you think that will get you?”. Just get a girlfriend and then work your way from there is it’s what you really want. Point being, sex while fun, isn’t the end all be all of life like our culture would have you believe. It’s a part of life and at times can be a big part but aside from that not that big of a deal.

There are far more greater and important things in life.

Males Without Dignity

So tying together our cultural obsession with sex and power exchanges with the title above. So many males give away their power, dignity, and if possible their left arm in exchange for sexual gratification or the faint hope of it. Whether it’s the guy throwing big bucks at the stripper or the husband doing “honey-do chores” in hopes for a less than enthusiastic rub down later. Both are equally pathetic (maybe the husband more so).

Both are trading their dignity for hopes of sexual increase. Both are being controlled by their libido and their lesser desires (not that having sexual desire is lesser only when used and uncontrolled in such a way). It makes a male pathetic and base. When a male can’t rein this in and use this force for his betterment he often ends up controlled by it. Something our culture reinforces and even celebrates (though not so much anymore because of feminist pressure, not that feminist pressure is a good thing, just unintended consequences I guess).

Part of the whole “beer and boobies” “masculinity” which was “masculinity” neutered of any real impact. Granted this is now seen as bad (though for different reasons than why it was actually bad). Sex should be something that is given to you freely because the woman wants to, whether a wife, girlfriend, or girl you just met at a bar. It shouldn’t have to be “bargained” for in any capacity and is never worth trading your dignity for (which usually results in teasing and not sex anyways but you get my point).

It’s Just Sex Bro

Not discovering the cure for cancer, not writing your masterpiece, not saving the world from evil, not something that should consume all of your thought and time (and sometimes maybe none of your thought or time). There’s far more to life and males that are controlled by these things come across (usually because they are) are weak, pathetic, and desperate. Three things I’m sure you never want to be.

So keep it in check, understand that sex really isn’t worth obsessing over, and that there is far far more to life. Also never bargain away your dignity in hopes of increasing your chances of having sex. Not just because it’ll never actually work in increasing your chances (even if it did wouldn’t be worth it) but also because your dignity is worth far more. Sex is a fun part of life but nothing to be obsessed over or ever controlled by. Instead be a free man.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge

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