Members Only Post #51 – Laughing As Babylon Burns

It’s sad so many people hate on religion and the various philosophies and books that come from such. If one can divorce themselves from the bad taste left in their mouth from mainstream religious people and religions (to me evangelicalism is probably the worst thing to happen to religions ever) there is a whole lot of good and wisdom to be found. Especially in the mythic sense.

And especially when one looks are allegories and the like. One from the Bible speaks of Babylon as a great nation in the “end times” that falls and that the wise separate themselves from. It doesn’t take much imagination or common sense to see in many ways the modern West is like this Babylon spoken about in the Bible. One drunk on profit and trade that produces the most unholy of fruit.

If one wants to remain sane, finding an escape plan from this structure and all that it represents is paramount. Obviously this requires many different things, too many things to list and talk about here. Things like financial independence, friends, relatives, significant others, and the like. Community and a whole host of other things that can’t be addressed in this small space.

Admittance Is The First Step

The first thing to recognize is that where you are might very well not provide you with what you want. Western culture on the whole is not trending upwards, is not getting better. It’s going further and further over to the devil (in the cosmic and primal sense, another great analogy for things) and isn’t coming back anytime soon (or ever). It’ll likely fall and burn like other decadent and corrupted societies before it.

If you remain attached to this system then when it falls that means you’ll fall with it. Now this does not mean you have to become a prepper deep in the hills somewhere, at all. This simply means anything that you can do to help wean yourself off the system is going to work in your favor. Even something as “simple” as becoming debt free (pretty much impossible in today’s age but moving closer is a good goal to have) can have a tremendous impact on one’s freedom (and sanity).

Nor does one have to cram everything they have into an RV and be location independent (though nothing wrong with that either). Just making smart life choices and thinking about the consequences of things makes a huge impact. For example is getting that expensive apartment in the city worth it so you can bang more chicks who provide nothing more than a nut and work some soulless job that you hate and that hates you? For some maybe it totally is but for others it might not be.

Find Your Safe Haven

It’s up to you to find what works for you. And understand that works today might not be what works tomorrow, people and life changes. But it’s always good to take some time and think of the future. Like I’ve talked about before eventually making X more amount of dollars or banging girl Y just ceases to be satisfying. Of course I could be wrong and maybe I’m in the minority there. But regardless thinking about one’s ultimate goals is smart.

Getting into a bunch of debt by following what everyone else was doing was (and is) a horrible idea. So much that glitters is just not gold but it may take some time to realize that. Until then do what you can to live a “natural” life, one that connects with the primal and cosmic ways and will actually bring you some measure of sanity and happiness. Don’t chase after things that don’t fulfill.

I realize I start to sound more and more like an old man, which I guess isn’t always a bad thing. But more and more the “world” or mainstream society or whatever you want to call it, just doesn’t have a lot to offer. More and more living in some remote mountain sanctuary with a girl or two and maybe a family sounds better and better. The more I see of the world the less I like it.

Anyways, find your place to laugh when Babylon burns (even if you have no use for it at the moment) and you’ll be better for it.

Charles Sledge