Members Only Post #95 – Don’t Reason With Babylon, Leave It

Most healthy men know that something is up with the world we’re living in. Up is down, left is right, good is bad, and essentially the primal and cosmic orders have been reversed. Health is sickness and sickness is health and so on and so forth. More and more the world around us because something we identify with less and don’t want to be around more. Doesn’t matter the political party, the monetary scheme, geography, or anything else. The entire world seems to be suffering from this sickness.

Though some countries are certainly going faster than others. It’s like the entire world has a virus of sorts, a virus that might take it. There are many different words people have for this clown world, globohomo, modernity, New World Order, progress, and a great many other things. I use the world Babylon from the Bible as it seems to fit. Regardless we all know that normal healthy things are hated more and more each and every day. This is starting to be felt across the world as a whole and not just with what are called “fringe” groups.

For example nearly everyone believes in some type of “conspiracy theory” now, though they can’t agree on which one. People know that something is up, they’re just not sure what exactly. This can be felt deep in the woods to in the middle of the city. Something’s going on with the world and a lot of people aren’t very comfortable with it. So what’s happening and what should you do about it? What can you do about it? Let’s start by talking about the nature of Babylon.

Babylon & You

So what is Babylon and why does it hate you? Well truth be told I don’t know exactly what Babylon is. It’s a power structure, a feeling, and many more things but I can’t tell you exactly what it is, no one really can. It’s part ideology, part politics, part this, and part that. It’s many different things combined together to form something more horrible than any one thing could be on its own. What you see around you, the decay, the rot, the craziness, the destruction, is not something that is going away. It’s something that Babylon thrives off of and wants for the time being.

So therefore it’s just something that’s going to grow. I know many feel like the world has gone mad but things are just getting started, we haven’t seen anything yet. Sure there’s always an ebb and flow but things are trending upwards, at least not in most Western countries. Safe to say is you’re a strong healthy man then Babylon isn’t a friend of yours. You’re the enemy, you’re the thing that has stood in its way for all of time. You’re a check to its power and it doesn’t want that.

So therefore you have to be eliminated, compromised, or neutered so you won’t be a threat. Hence all the things we have today. The celebration of weakness and debasement, among other things. Strong and wise men are feared by Babylon because they threaten its power structure, it wants total and complete power. Something strong and wise men don’t let others have other them. Therefore make males weak, make them stupid, or at least make them hopeless. Make them confused, make them sick, make them corrupt.

Compromise Doesn’t Work & Can’t Fight It

That’s the nature of the beast and it’ll never change. I see many, especially from “right wing” parties who try to make compromises with the beast. Where men think they’re gaining an advantage through the political system but this is foolishness. The political system is against men and health, it’s against the cosmic and primal order and always will be. There is no political solution to Babylon. Doesn’t matter what puppet’s in office or what political party comes to power. By its nature Babylon wouldn’t let a real threat ever rise. It’s a bunch of sound and noise to keep people occupied and invested in the system.

On the other hand don’t think because I say that there’s no political solution that I’m saying to fight it with force, that’s even more foolish. You can’t defeat something that large, powerful, and all encompassing. You alone can’t fight it with bullets and fists. Babylon would love that, those that are against it to come out and try to fight it. It could crush them and make them look foolish and violent at the same time. If you don’t like Babylon you don’t fight it with force, that’s not the solution and that’s not what you should do.

So if you can’t compromise with it and you can’t fight it then what else can you do? Well you could heed the advice found in Revelations saying to “Come out of her, my people, so that you don’t participate in her sins and also suffer from her diseases.” her being Babylon in the passage. While it’s true you can never completely separate yourself from Babylon you can distance yourself from it as much as possible. You can get as far away from it as possible, not just physically but even more importantly mentally and spiritually.

Come Out Of Her My People

But what does that mean? Does that mean moving to the mountains and living “off the grid”? No, not really, though if you do want that, there’s nothing wrong with it. It just means distancing yourself from these things. I’d recommend against major cities, don’t wallow in media from it (news, music, TV, and the like), and don’t follow it in other areas of your life. For example don’t get your morals from it, how to raise your children, and all of these other things. Give under Satan what is Satan. Pay your taxes and dot your I’s and cross your T’s and all of that.

But you can still flee from it in other ways. Don’t go along with the mainstream, question things, and see where they ultimately lead. Think and live for yourself on your own terms. Not the ones that Babylon has given to you. You’ll have to look far and wide as the major culture can’t be trusted but you can find your way with enough effort and dedication. Babylon falls because of its own stupidity and hubris, not from you. Come out of it and be a safe distance away to watch the fireworks when it finally collapses in on itself.

Charles Sledge