Members Only Post #83 – Finding Eden In Hell

I know that I’ve been writing a lot more about things things that probably seem more “basic”. I went from things like hooking up with the hottest girls, making gobs of money and becoming a jet setter, and being so jacked you melt ice when you walk by…or whatever. To things like finding a nice place to live, raising a happy and healthy family, and how overall to find the place that is going to be the most productive for that.

There are many reasons for this, can’t get into all of them right now. But a few are maturing, finding out all that glitters is not gold, giving males what they want before being able to give them what they need, and a whole lot more. I’ve also drifted away from those topics simply because they don’t really interest me anymore and they can often attract a negative, angry, and hateful crowd. Not don’t me wrong there is a time to be angry and there are things you should hate. But they shouldn’t define your existance.

And overall I’ve wanted to help more men and do more positive things. A theme of the latest Members Only Posts have been moving and finding the place that is right for you in this world. It’s funny I write these things generally a month or so in advance (can be 3 months for normal articles) and how things sync up in the world with what I’m talking about. Often making these posts more relevant then they were when I wrote them. But let’s talk a little about finding your eden.

Hatred, Negativity, & The Modern World

Turn on the news and you’ll probably see something about riots, diseases, or other things. That’s what’s going on right now and I’m guessing by the time this goes out there’ll be political scandal and other things as well. It can seem like the worlds gone mad when really it’s always been mad. If you want good things you have to know where to find them and know how to make them. The universe tends towards disorder not order. You have to work hard for the good things. For the things that matter.

It’s just a fact. I talk a lot about rural life and how it’s a bit saner than the suburbs or city. I also talk about moving to places that have people that are like you. Now you can interpret this however you want because I mean it in many different ways. Does it mean race? Sure, race is part of it but it’s also religion, ways of living, ideology, and above all else, culture. To me culture is the most important out of all of those.

But we’ve already covered all of this, just check old member’s only posts if you want a refresher. What else do we do besides move and hope for the best? What else does one do to find the eden in hell? Something I talked about awhile ago but think should expand on is focusing on the things around you instead of the things happening “out there”. The fact of the matter is your child having a cut finger is going to affect you more than an plague that takes out half a continent, that’s not your own of course.

Your Own Eden

Put another way you can’t save the world and should’t try. If anything the world’s an awful place and deserves to burn. No, you should focus on what little things are around you and do what you can for that. This starts with yourself but can also mean your family, at the biggest point the community around you. Everything beyond that you should care less about. Screw em, they don’t have much of anything to do with you. Taxes will go up, governments and corporations will screw people over more, and so on and so on.

I can guarantee you that’ll continue as that’s the way of the world. But it’s not your concern. Your concern is what’s right outside your door. I’m not arguing for ignorance of course, just to not concern yourself with things beyond your control. Voting doesn’t change anything, neither does protesting, neither does much of anything aside from full scale war or mass programming, at least not on a large scale. And since you don’t have an army or own a giant corporation don’t worry about changing things on a big scale.

Tend your garden. Protect its borders. Move it if you have to. Be aware of what’s going on around it. But it’s only your garden you can worry about and concern yourself with. The world is going to do what it’s going to do. The more you can separate yourself from it the better off you’ll be. Like it says in the Bible come out of Babylon because it’s not headed anywhere good. So don’t worry about the world, Western culture as a whole, or things of that nature. You’re not a god you can’t do anything about it. Take care of you and yours and don’t worry about the world as a whole. Only focus on what you have power over, which is very little.

Charles Sledge