Members Only Post #115 – Macronutrients Against The Modern World

So obviously this title is a bit tongue in cheek but I actually do what point out something that I found very interesting. In another of the members only posts I wrote about the most telling scene in all of Hollywood history. What it boiled down to is there are always at least two versions of things. One that is natural and “of God” and another that is unnatural and “of evil”. You don’t have to take that too literally to see what I’m getting at and the value of understand these things.

There are things that are good and things that are bad. The things that are good are generally timeless and few whereas the things that are bad are varied and numerous. This applies to all things physically, mentally, and spiritually. For example we know exercise and fresh air are good things, they are good for you. Likewise we know sitting indoors all day and drinking cheap “beer” are bad for us. And so on and so forth. Today I wanted to apply that to macronutrients. This stretches beyond health.

From modernism vs tradition to more. What I want to do here is outline health macronutrients as well as the modern world replacement for them and why it’s bad. This can be applies to more than just health and is meant to be a template of sorts. The modern world uses many cheap substitutes for the real thing and pretends that not only is it as good as the real thing it’s even better. Whether it’s social media in replacement of real relationships or porn in replacement of sex or a whole host of other things. Let’s dive in.

Fats Modern Vs Tradition

There’s a lot of controversy around fats. Natural occurring fats like lard, tallow, and butter have been/were demonized for something like 50 years now and been replaced by substitutes made in a factory. Butter was replaced by margarine and most other fats were replaced by various vegetable oils. Anymore with modern foods vegetable oil is found is just about everything. It’s cheap and the medical industry has gotten behind it making it easier to sell.

However its turning out that vegetable oil isn’t so great. And that natural fats, including, if not especially, saturated are actually really good for you. Who’da thunk it? The cheap replacement offered by the modern world is bad for your health and the natural food mankind has been eating for millions of years is good for you. Animals fats are one of the healthiest things you can eat. If you want the research and breakdown on this I’d suggest starting with this article from the Weston A. Price Foundation.

Carbohydrates Modern Vs Tradition

Carbohydrates are a little different story. In nature carbohydrates are a bit rarer than fats and proteins, but still needed. You have ancient breads made from ancient grains, you have fermented breads, you have fruit, and you have honey among other things. These carbs give you energy while also giving you other things like vitamins and minerals. To my knowledge all fermented drinks like kombucha, kefir, and the like have carbs and are great for you.

However the modern replacement is Frankenstein grain and bleached white sugar. Both devoid of nutrition and both devoid of just about anything good for you. But they’re cheap, mass produced, and again put in just about everything. Sugar at least tastes good though its giving you little to nothing in return for that taste. Like most things, the modern way is the way to avoid if you want health and happiness, and those two things are very related.

Protein Modern Vs Traditional

Who doesn’t love a good steak? No, I didn’t say who says they don’t love a good steak I mean who really on a deep level doesn’t enjoy a good steak? I’m sure there’s people out there I’m also willing to be they’re not in the best of health. Animal protein is the number one protein that exists on this earth. Eggs, beef, deer, poultry, lamb, so on and so forth. According to some this is what gave man his brain and ability to think. Regardless its food for you. Both for overall health and looking like a man.

What’s the modern replacement for animal protein? Soy. A cheap plant knockoff that has a host of negative health effects. Nothing wrong with a little fermented soy every now and then but it’s no mainstay of the diet and it’s not the same as mass produced soy. Nevertheless soy is what’s in most things and what most modern “proteins” are made of. Like vegetable oil soy works it way into everything, and I do mean everything. A danger that’s hard to avoid.

Modern “Food” Vs Traditional Food

Or another way of putting that would be capitalist food vs real food, but that might ruffle a few feathers, even though its true. So have a choice here. You can choose the modern capitalist way and eat vegetable oils for fat, sugar for carbohydrates, and soy for protein and become a modern capitalist man or you can eat animal fats, fermented foods, and animal proteins and became a traditional real man. We’ve seen what both lead too. Choose wisely.

Charles Sledge