Members Only Post #100 – The Most Telling Scene In All Of Hollywood History

And it’s likely from a movie you’ve never watched. Now when I say most telling scene I should qualify what I’m talking about here. Usually when someone talks about “Hollywood’s most telling scene” they’re talking about the corruption in Hollywood, Satanic and/or illuminati references, or some other deep and dark perversion of Hollywood. While I have no doubt that Hollywood is a disgusting place filled with disgusting people, that’s not what I’m talking about here. What I’m talking about here is how the world works.

And in particular how politics and “truth” works. How structuring narrative works and how to actually control a populace. Also this likely was not at all the screenwriters plan when he wrote the scene, he was simply following a story. The scene if from an old animated movie called The Prince of Egypt that tells the story of Moses in animated form. It’s designed for children but I remember seeing parts of it. And there was on scene in particular that stood out to me the older that I got.

There’s a scene (and a musical number which I didn’t remember) where Moses goes before the Pharaoh to convince him to let the Israelites go. Pharaoh is reluctant and so Moses says he’s going to demonstrate the “power of God” before him. Here’s the scene in full (and the music number) if you want to take a peek Prince Of Egypt (1998) – Playing With The Big Boys anyways Moses turns his staff into a snake and likewise the two court magicians turn their staves into snakes as well.

Significance Of The Scene

The court magicians have two snakes and Moses one and the snakes fight. Eventually Moses’ snake eats the other two snakes but that’s not the most important part of the scene. Here’s what is. Let’s take a look of some of this from a symbolic standpoint. In this narrative Moses it the good guy and Pharaoh the bad guy. Moses stands for truth and Pharaoh’s magicians for cheap lies. But this tells a whole lot about how the world works. For starters when we look at most lies that have dominated our world, hurt many lives, and continue to do so.

They aren’t outright fabrications, the best lies all have a ring of truth to them. Otherwise they wouldn’t be effective. And they work in degrees. Let’s say you have a range of beliefs from A all the way on the left and Z all the way on the right. You’ll never get someone to go from A to Z instantly or ever. What you do is take part of the truth from A and move to B. Then part of the truth from B and move to C. And so on and so forth. Maybe you’ll never get them to Z but you’ll get them to M, or T, or even W. You get the idea. Works in all directions and in all ways. The magicians created snakes of their, cheap knockoffs of the snakes that Moses made. Just like lies are often cheap knockoffs of the truth.

Have part of the truth in them but aren’t the full thing. Let’s look at some more symbolism. The magicians use smoke and mirrors for their “lie” snakes whereas Moses’ staff is simply transformed. Also there are two “lie” snakes to one “true” snake. In the real world they’d be one hundred thousand lie snakes to one truth snake but I understand that’d be hard to animate. Lies, half truths (fancy word for more effective lie), are always going to outnumber the truth, always. The truth is small and narrow and barely anyone ever as any contact with it.

Relevance For Our Own Life & World

For every good healthy thing that fits into the primal and cosmic order there is something that goes against it. I don’t mean in this in a balance way either. You might balance chaos and order, softness and hardness, emotion and logic, and so on and so forth. But you don’t balance health with unhealth, that doesn’t make any sense. While many things in this world are about balance there are things that are anything but. And it’s important to figure out which is which, because it’ll cause you a lot of problems if you don’t. Balance in ALL things leads to destruction and is foolishness. Balance in the right things and extremity in the others.

Wisdom will tell you which is which. Understand that our modern world is built on lies. Lies designed to trap, harm, and destroy you. Lies that at one point all of us have likely believed were for our benefit. Lies that we believed in and maybe even pushed forward ourselves. Lies that may have destroyed our own lives, that of our family, our community, our country, even our world. For every truth there will be one hundred counterfeits. For every genuine thing there will be one hundred false trying to pass themselves off as the real thing. Sure in the end the truth may win out, but that’s a long way off. Until then this is the day and the age of the lie.

Has been for a long time and will be for a long time. Don’t get angry about it or fret over it. Just understand it and adapt as needed.

Charles Sledge