2 Things “They” Don’t Want You To Do But That You Absolutely Need Too

Who’s they? Well they could be a lot of different people. By “They” I’m referring to those that hate and wish to subvert the cosmic and primal order. The order that was set up so that man could live a good life and aspire to higher and greater things. You can read more about it here. Essentially by they I’m referring to those that are against all that is good, the corrupters, the destroyers, and the defilers. And probably not in the sense that you’re thinking of. This isn’t moralistic hand-wringing it’s stating facts.

The one’s that want to crush masculinity, freedom, and a whole lot more for their own ends. They, have been winning for quite a long time now, in certain places for thousands of years, in others for hundreds, but they’ve been in power and working on consolidating that power for some time now. We’ve definitely entered a new age in regards to “their” power and they’re moving forward at a rapid rate. However they are not invincible, they are not gods, and their plans can be stopped, especially in localized places.

But they’ve also set measures so that this never happens. Two things in particular that stand out to me that males just don’t do anymore and “They” win because of it. Two simple things that could drastically change your life and the life of those around you. Two things you should teach to everyone around you, at least everyone you care about who will listen. Two things that if not done lead to ruin. You’ve heard the saying “The only thing for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” a cliche by now perhaps but still has some meaning. Well this is the something you can do.

Neutering & Numbing

Males just aren’t what they used to be. I think that’s something that anyone with eyes or half a brain can agree on. Usually this is in reference to physical attributes. Males have less testosterone, less muscle, and less strength then their ancestors. They’ve been softened or “pussified” to use another term. Yet this degeneration goes far more than just physically. It also goes mentally and spiritually. I should make a quick note that by spiritually I don’t mean moral preening or the B.S. that passes for “spirituality now”. When I say spiritually I mean the will, the soul, the heart of a man. That fire that’s in his guts.

All have suffered during the assault of the modern world and its system of living and thinking (or lack of thinking). And this rot and suffering runs through all facets of being, physically is just the easiest to see. This isn’t to say that the physical doesn’t matter or isn’t bad. It does matter and it is bad. Males have been neutered and numbed physically, mentally, and spiritually. They’ve become docile robotic slaves and learned to thank their masters for every swat that they get, the harder the swat, the more profuse the thanking.

If you want anything good in this life you’re going to have to go against the grain and fight against this, which naturally means that you’ll be disliked. You’ll be disliked by those who are in power or benefit from the power system in place and you’ll be disliked by the sheep that have been convinced that the power system is best, even though it uses and abuses them. You’ll have to learn strength and independence, two things that are being bred out of modern males. And you’ll get these things through two main ways.

You Must Be A Thinker

There’s an old Henry Ford quote that goes “Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it.” Now we can debate whether or not thinking is the hardest work in the world, don’t think Henry ever dug coal, but it’s pretty obvious that so few engage in it. Most people are essentially automatons that bounce from one stimulus to the next. They believe whatever they’re told to believe, go wherever they’re told to go, and so on and so forth. Thinking is at an all time low. But as well all know ignorance is not bliss, ignorance is destruction, ignorance is pain, and ignorance can ultimately be death.

There is a price to be paid for ignorance, there is a price to be paid for stupidity, there is a price to be paid for not thinking and not being a thinker. You must learn to think, to cull the lies from the truth, to see, to recognize patterns, and more. You have to look at the world around you and like a child ask “Why” again and again and again and see where it leads you. You have to think, to struggle, to grapple with questions and mysteries until they reveal themselves to you. And then keep going because the first answer is usually just to throw you off the track.

And yes this is tiring work, it’s exhausting, and it can seem impossible to do with all of the other things going on in your life. But it’s needed, it’s critically needed. You’re not going to make it without being a thinker. Stupidity and foolishness are punished far more often and far harsher than being a jerk or even a psychopath is. You could be the most morally reprehensible personal in existence but you’ll be punished less than a stupid person if you’re a thinker. Not saying that’s the path you should take just pointing out reality. Read, write, question, and think.

You Must Be A Fighter

I think when most people here fighter they automatically think of it in the physical terms like a boxer. But, while I think physical fighting in a controlled environment is great and something I’d recommend to every man, I’m talking about more than that here. I’m also talking about standing up for your beliefs, for what is right and what is wrong, for standing against the crowd and speaking your mind. I’m talking about fighting back against the rot and fighting back against the decay.

This is not just a physical thing, though it’s important to be physically self-assured too, but also a mental and spiritual one. Are you a person who bows over and lays down because it’s easier or do you stick to your guns? Do you have fight in you? Physically, yes, but also mentally and spiritually? Or are you passive and weak? You can be smart as can be but if you don’t have that fight, that fire to back it up, then it’s not going to matter for much.

Cultivate this fire, cultivate this fight. Don’t be a fool who rushes into unwinnable battles or battles at the wrong time. Be wise and be strong. Be a thinker and a fighter. Do whatever needs to be done to cultivate this attribute in you. Do hard things, do things that scare you, take on new challenges and master them, maybe actually do something like boxing. Working to master the physical is a good step towards mastering the mental and spiritual. If there were only two things I could recommend to men it’d be fighting and reading, with writing a close third.

The Two Laws Summed Up

I’d say that there are two laws of this earth, two primal laws (and one cosmic one). The two primal laws can be put a number of different ways. They can be put “Don’t be a dumbass.” and “Don’t be a pussy.” essentially how they were put to me. Or they can be “Be wise.” and “Be strong.” the meaning is the same. Whatever works better to communicate these ideals to you. The cosmic law would be good as in honorable and of virtue (in the original sense, not the watered down sense we confuse it with now). But that’s a topic for another time. Take these words to heart and learn from them.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge