Members Only Post #112 – Why Rednecks, Flyover Country, & Testosterone Are All Hated

If you’ve never read Edward Bernays Propaganda I recommend that you take a peek at it. Doesn’t matter what your goals are in life, what your profession is, or what country you live in. Reading it is enlightening and scary at the same time, and there’s not a single country in the modern world that is not affected by it in some way, shape, or form. Between the media, school systems, and technology companies a “government” or people in charge can almost entirely shape a populace however they want.

They could convince the vast majority of people that up is down, freedom is slavery, pain is pleasure, and…oh wait, that’s all already happened. Well they could do a whole lot more with it. Humans at our base level are essentially dumb apes, including, if not especially me. It’s part of our nature. Even the Bible says that men are sheep and in need of a shepherd. And man will find a shepherd if not God he’ll make it something else, even if he doesn’t know it and especially if he thinks he’s “shepherd” free.

People are moldable, almost infinitely so. Not all people, but the vast majority, and the vast majority is all you really ever need to do anything you want. And how to you mold and shape the vast majority? Well all the ways I just said above. Schooling, technology, but especially the media. I think people fail to realize how powerful the media and the stories, or narratives if you prefer, that they tell are. How much they shape the world around us.

Hollywood Is More Powerful Than The U.S. Military

We’ll used the United States as an example as when it comes to misleading and manipulating the populace the United States would make Soviet Russia blush. When many people think of the power of the United States they usually think militarily. That the United States is powerful because they can at any point in time bomb people into democracy and happiness. They can get people to follow the line by invading them and occupying their country for freedumb.

But seriously that’s not where the true might or utility of the United States power comes from. The biggest power the United States has is Hollywood. The transmitter of ideas in the most effective form known to man…stories. Hollywood has done more to mold and shape the minds of the world than any other single force that has ever existed. Think about that. It has exported what those who control Hollywood believe to literally the entire world, and done so in an engaging and effective form. And done so with the consent and even desire of the people.

Thus the power of story. If you thought dropping leaflets, taking over the university, boots on the ground, covert ops, and the like had power to change a people they’re nothing compared to Hollywood. Like coming a garden hose to a fire hose. Sure they both spit out water but one does so at a much higher rate. And one is going to make a much bigger impact than the others. Maybe this is considered “conspiracy” or maybe not, but more importantly than that it’s true.

Hating The Medicine

I think we can agree that story telling is a powerful medium for influence and I think we can also agree that Hollywood’s influence is widespread. But let’s take a closer look at what that influence is. When we look at Hollywood movies their mostly formulaic. Not just with plot but with what they push and what they’ve been pushing since their inception. People like to pretend that Hollywood suddenly became “progressive” but the fact of the matter is that it always has been, since its inception. Movies were always about control, even more than entertainment.

We see a constant rehashing of who we’re supposed to hate and who the “bad guys” are. Let’s do a quick rundown of some things hated in Hollywood and why. Also note that while Hollywood may have had the same goal since its inception it had to go about achieving that goal in different ways as it went along. For example testosterone is the bad guy now. Why? Because guys with testosterone are harder to control. They think, they act, and if needed they push back. However back in the 50’s going against testosterone was a no-no.

So they had to be subversive in other ways. Other things that have been demonized rural people, like hillbillies and rednecks. They’re portrayed as being dumb, racist, and backwards. Yet most hill people I’ve met are none of those things. What are they? They’re resourceful, independent, and generally free thinking, which is the real problem with them and why they’re demonized. What else is demonized or portrayed as unworthy and/or dumb?

What about “flyover country” as its called in the United States or the Midwest. These both refer to areas without major port cities that are mostly consisted of farmland and hills. Normal everyday people. Essentially not L.A., New York, or Miami. Places that are healthy and happy, that aren’t buying into all the B.S. that is sold in the major cities. And therefore a place that should be demonized in a way. This brings me to another one, “miliatrism.”

What do I mean by militarism? I mean guys who are willing to fight, especially for their own people. This is related to testosterone. Whenever you see the testosterone filled army captain you can pretty much guarantee that he’s the bad guy. Why? Because tough, resourceful guys, with fighting skills and testosterone are especially hard to control and therefore must be declared bad. This is just a short list there is plenty more.

So Why Are These Things Demonized?

They’re demonized because they’re all the “solution” to what I call Babylon or the modern world system. Guys with testosterone will stand on their own two feet and fight back against those seek to destroy them and those they care about. Those living in the hills and living a more rural lifestyle are more independent and have skills that make it so they don’t need Babylon like a city dweller does. “Flyover country” and the Midwest represent places that haven’t been completely tainted and subsumed by the cities. They represent infection free places and when you’re the infection this just can’t stand.

People have a chance to be happy and healthy there, safe and free. Things only available to the super rich in the cities. Its a superior way of life to what is those in control want and therefore must be declared bad. Militarism, how dare someone strong and capable fight for themselves. How dare someone be capable and competent, be steely eyed and sharp. And so on and so forth. All these things are the solution. They’re the solution to the crap you see around you.

And that’s why they’re hated, that’s why they have to be hated. Because if they’re not hated people will look at them harder and maybe see that they’re superior to the lifestyle and way of living they’re being presented with. And that’s a problem for those in charge. That’s a problem for those that want you to stay sick because they make either money or power off of it. This isn’t a “conspiracy” it’s not even “evil”, all it is and likely ever will be is human nature. Something you should be making a study of. So next time you see something declared bad by Hollywood, always ask the follow up question, why? The answer can be enlightening sometimes.

Charles Sledge