What Men Can Learn From Masculine Characters From Film & Literature – Part I

I think every man should read, not just nonfiction but fiction as well, the best fiction can tell you more than nonfiction ever could hope to. I try to have at least one fiction and nonfiction book that I’m reading from at any given time and would encourage you to do the same, you’ll benefit greatly from it. I think that some sort of communal physical activity whether its hunting, hiking, or something like MMA and reading and two of the most important things that a man can do to improve his life.

There are a great many other things as well but those, those are the top two. If I was declared dictator for a day and gun to my head was asked two hobbies every man needs to pick up, it’d probably be those two. Not that I’d want that but that’s how important I think those two are. I’ve talked long about the benefits of reading nonfiction and that’s something we all should be doing. But what’s not always apparent is the benefits of reading fiction. Isn’t fiction just fairy tales and stories? Well, yes, but those things are very important.

Stories shape us, literally according to neuroscience. They mold us, form us, help to create us. They shape our minds and souls. Good stories strike straight to heart of us and mold us from the inside out. They’re special and powerful, underestimating story would be like underestimating nuclear power, except even more so. Stories teach us lessons, they do so through characters interacting with a plot. Today I want to highlight some great examples of men from literature and film and what you can take away from them.

Of course I recommend you check out the book/film the character is from as well. Let’s get started.

Aragorn – Lord Of The Rings

Let me start out by saying I’m not an expert in the lore of any series that has ever existed, I read them for pleasure, also I saw the movies more recently then I’ve read the books so the impression has been aggregate. Rare case where would recommend watching the movies and reading the books. But anyways back to Aragorn. Who is Aragorn? Aragorn is a man destined to be king, when we’re introduced to him his a mysterious man who lives a ranger. A man the townspeople don’t necessarily trust and are wary of.

He’s a dangerous man and a capable one. He spends time in nature and is crafty with both a bow and a sword. He is decisive and strong. But there are other aspects, that in my opinion set him apart. Like all men Aragorn suffers from temptation and lesser aspects of his nature. He is tempted by the ring and the power it provides. Yet he is able to resist this temptation and instead stick to his duty and do what must be done. He is able to put his selfish desires aside and rise to become something more, something truly noble.

To me the things that define his character are nobility and his resistance to the lesser parts of our nature. He holds fast even when those around him fail and even where great men failed. He has an unwavering sense of duty and subsuming his own needs for doing what needs to be done. He doesn’t give in when most men would, he stands firm. He has strength of will and honor. One that doesn’t bend to circumstance or convenience. Great lessons for us all.

Vegeta – Dragonball Z

Of all the series I’m going to be talking about Dragonball Z is the one I have the least familiarity with. I didn’t watch the show growing up and have never watched it through. Much of this is based off what others have wrote and character arcs I’ve looked at on Vegeta. But with that said the aggregate impression that I got was impressive. He also has a very good character arc. Vegeta is someone who starts out as a villain and originally that was all he was supposed to be.

Focused on power and strength above all, haughty, arrogant. All the things that a comic book villain usually has. Except these “bad things” turned out to be strengths. While Vegeta’s morality may change, his basic character traits don’t…at least not as much, again I’m not super familiar with the lore. He had an extreme drive and ambition. He uses willpower to overcome the challenges that come in his path. He trains hard and works his ass off for what he gets.

Yet he still falls behind. But he doesn’t care he just fights harder and harder. Rising to meet every new challenge even if it overcomes him. He has strength and willpower that he uses to carve out a place in destiny for him. Despite not having as much natural talent as others. He’s the guy through force of will puts himself where others who have things given to them get. His willpower is inspiring and a trait all men should have.

John Ottway – The Grey

They Grey was a film released in 2012 that I don’t think ever got a whole lot of attention, at least at first. It follows a crew that crashes in Alaska and are pursued but hungry wolves. But what makes this film so good is the thematic elements it addresses. I think a lot of people were expecting an action movie but got something much different, and better in my opinion. The trailer also didn’t help by making it look like an action movies. But back to the character.

You should watch the movie and I’ll try to not give spoilers away. At the start of the movie Ottway is in a dark place, on the verge of suicide and by the end of the movie he has more life pumping through him then most men will ever have…despite everything. Ottway is in many sense a Nietzschian hero, a man through faces overwhelming odds, impossible odds, and fights them. A man who goes into the frey, despite never knowing if he’ll come out. A man who fights because its better than giving in. A man who pushes on because he won’t surrender to the darkness pressing against him.

A man that will carve meaning from the meaninglessness by force of will. Again you should watch the movie and you’ll see what I mean. It’s one of my favorite movies of all time and if you’re a man of Nietzschian type heroes you should check it out. This movie shows some of the best of the human will exemplified by Ottway and his not giving up, his will to fight, his willpower itself. Check it out.

Stay Tuned For Part 2

I have a part 2 planned and will probably come up with a part 3 at some point. Go and heck out the books and films that I’ve talked about here. They’re all worth a read/watch, and please don’t underestimate the power of stories. Don’t underestimate their ability to shape and change you, to help forge you into the person you were meant to be, that you want to be. Aside from suffering and pain they’re the best ways to forge yourself, to become the higher version. Or whatever you want to call it. So don’t limit yourself and sit down with a good book. You won’t regret it.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge