Members Only Post #149 – Taking Time To Get Your Health Right

Health is one of those things that you take for granted. One of those things that you never really appreciate until its taken away from you. For some of us we get bouts of unhealthiness, maybe we catch a sickness or have something act up where we have to get a surgery or something and then we remember the importance of our health and appreciate it. But for the majority of people they only appreciate their health when it’s too late.

When we look at three of the largest factors in a man’s life and well-being, health, wealth, and relationships, the fact of the matter is that without health the other two don’t matter. I recently had a bout with a severe cold that was beyond anything I had ever dealt with before. There was a few nights where it had me worried.

It passed and I’m fine now but it got me thinking about health and if I’m doing everything to maximize it. So many health problems and issues can be avoided, so much of what goes wrong just doesn’t have to if the right steps are taken and early intervention is done. So much of what we think is just lousy or bad genetics comes down to poor lifestyle choices and neglect.

We take our health for granted and then are surprised when it gives out on us down the road. And this is a hard lesson to teach to someone who’s never been sick, never had a disease, never had a serious injury. You feel like your invincible before your first car wreck, before your first serious hospital visit, before your first severe health scare. Yet health is something that can go so fast and be taken away so fast it pays to pay attention to.

Sort of like a savings account that you start putting in now. Take care of your body in your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s and it’ll take care of you in your 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. Man’s age is to be 120 years. With right living and health that is possible. But if you get bogged down with reoccurring health problems, with pharmaceuticals who’s biggest goal is to make companies richer not help people, then bad things can happen.

Taking Time To Do A Health Screening

By this I don’t necessarily mean going down to your doctor’s office and doing your yearly checkup. Don’t get me wrong you should absolutely do that but there’s more to it than just that. Do that but also do your own more conclusive, more thorough. How do you feel? How are you doing physically, spiritually, and mentally. You may not be critical health wise according to the doctor but what’s going wrong or starting to go wrong? And what can you do about it?

Can you do anything about it? It’s my firm belief that there’s nothing that you can’t do something about, regardless of what others say. I’ve just seen too many people essentially will themselves back to health and wellness before to think otherwise. Not that you shouldn’t make use of good diet and healthy living along with proper medication but mindset plays a role in this as well. Understand that there is always something that you can do to heal and help yourself. Always, no matter what is said.

Things can always get better. I was just talking with someone who was given six months to life because of cancer this time two years ago and how every time this time of the year came around it was very emotionally to her. And this is just one example. It might not matter to you much now but there will come a time when knowing that you can help yourself and that you and never helpless is going to mean a hell of a lot to you. Maybe even save your life.

You have be a fighter though, just like in every other facet of life.

The Biggest Factors For Long Term Health

One of the biggest things that you want to do is see where your lifestyle is going to lead you ten years down the road. Take your daily habits and write them down, write down what they actually are, not what you like them to be. Don’t write down “work out everyday” because it’s something you plan on doing eventually, write down what it is you’re actually doing. And then expand that you by ten years and see where that is going to take you, what that’s going to do for you. Is it going to take you where you want to go?

Is it going to do for you what you want it to do? Will it get you where you want to go, health wise? It’s no different than looking at any other facet of your life and honestly looking if your daily habits now are going to lead you to where you want to go in life? Are you eating a decent diet that has all the nutrients that your body needs? Are you taking care of both macro and micro? Are you doing exercise of some sort? Even if it’s just going for a walk in your backyard? Just something that has you up and moving?

Or is what your doing going to lead to poor health? To a life that you don’t want? As cheesy as it might sound our future is made up of the choices we make today, specifically our habits. It through habit that we either reach the goals we have and live the life that we want to live or that we end up failing and end up places that we don’t want to be. It’s up to us to choose which.

Take a second to look at your health. You may be young but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t matter. More and more we see how young things can go wrong in the modern world and how quickly the body can be destroyed by what’s contained within it. Take care of yourself and don’t neglect your health.

Charles Sledge