Making Money In A Way That’s Good For The Soul

Want to make cash fast? Like fat stacks and want to know the quickest and easiest way to get there? Well it’s not blogging, dropshipping, writing e-books, or any of that nonsense (or whatever the flavor of the week is). In fact the quickest way to make money is in a profession as old as time (and no, not that one). Well actually it’s a combination of three skills with two being the primary ones and the third underlying them all.

Those skills are copywriting, sales, and marketing. Want to make good money then start learning the art of copywriting and start applying for jobs on a site like Upwork. Or find a sales job (really any sales job but preferably one with high ticket items) and get in there whatever way you can while also learning sales. Or if you’re an older gentleman (40+ or got grey in your beard) then you can always make good money as a marketing consultant (harder to do if younger, at least in today’s world, will probably change soon).

Those are the three quickest ways to make good money. While competition for each will grow and keep growing (population numbers, instability and horror of normal job, desire for location independence and such grows, so on and so forth) with hard work, some smarts, and dedication you can carve yourself out a nice niche in any of those areas and make decent money (six figures with a couple years in most cases).

But What If That Is Not Enough

But with all of that said it’s very unlikely that such jobs are going to fulfill your soul. But hey isn’t that what hobbies are for? I’m kidding (sort of) but for most working a job that sucks away the least amount of time while returning the greatest amount of cash is going to be the best bet. Making money while fulfilling one’s soul/calling or whatever is usually a far harder and more complicated task.

For those that don’t just want to make lots of money but want to earn it in a way that is fulfilling to them then we’ll have to look at a whole other set of factors. But before I move onto them also understand that as far as money making is concerned the skills (and that’s what they are, skills) of copywriting, sales, and marketing are essential no matter what one does. Everything from working on motorcycles to writing poetry. If one wants to make a living at something those three skills are going to be a requirement.

But again going beyond doing those things alone for money (which will pretty much always net you more pure cash than soul fulfilling work) what does one look at? Well the first thing is hobbies and things that “speak” to you. For example do you like to write? Or maybe you like making soaps? Or maybe you just want to work on cars? Or a million other things. What is the collision of a viable market and your passions/hobbies?

Think Before You Leap

Also understand that turning something into work is going to take much of the magic away from it. So if you have one thing that keeps you sane, I’d highly suggest just working the job that might not bring you fulfillment just to keep that thing in place. When you turn a love into a job, it changes, and not for the better. Yes, you’ll enjoy it more but there’s a difference say between writing for love and writing for work. And when something comes you livelihood, it’ll change its relation to you.

It will no longer be an escape. It may be 100x better than the job you were working before but it will not be an escape. But with that out of the way working a craft is generally far more rewarding than an office job because one is allowed to express their humanity and creativity within the job itself. Granted the same could be said of copywriting or even marketing and sales but you get my point.

Take whatever craft or art that I’m guessing will be your first choice and combine it with sales, marketing, and copywriting experience and know-how is the quickest way to success in this endeavor. Now you may say “Charles, that’s extremely broad I need more help than that.” but honestly except for a one on one consultation there’s not that much more that I can give you.

Making A Living You Enjoy

What are your hobbies, the things that you enjoy to do and interest you. Is there an intersection between these things and people with money? Granted with enough marketing, copywriting, and sales skills you can make many things work but try to make the job as easy as possible on yourself. For example if your two passions are underwater basket weaving and the intricacies of tax returns then obviously one is going to be way more economically viable than the other.

Obviously an extreme example but you get my point. Again none of this is likely to be brain explodingly new information to you but it is a path in the right direction. If you’re not sure where to start, then start brushing up on copywriting, sales, and marketing books. Start getting a somewhat deep understanding of these topics because regardless of what type of business you choose those skills are going to make the biggest difference in whether it succeeds or not.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge