Maca Benefits for Men: Supercharge Your Health and Become a True Alpha (Luke Douglas)

This is a guest post from Luke Douglas of the site Ripped.Me a site dedicated to all things fitness and health related be sure to check it out for plenty of great fitness and health advice. In this article Luke lays out some dieting tips for busy guys to stay in shape. In this article Luke covers the benefits of Maca, enjoy.

There are many ways a man can take care of himself and improve his inner and outer well-being, with nutrition being one of the key pillars of lifelong health, longevity, and virility. Whether you’re trying to become physically and mentally stronger, learn how to adopt and maintain healthy lifestyle habits, increase your libido, testosterone, and fertility, or if you simply want to feel energetic throughout the day, it all starts with what you eat. I know, giving up processed foods and other junk is hard, but the rewards are so worth the effort.

One of the foods that has been enjoying immense popularity in recent years among the alpha circles is maca root, a plant native to Peru and the soaring heights of the Andes in South America. It’s closely related to other healthy vegetables such as broccoli and kale, however its macro and micronutrient values set it apart from the rest. Let’s go for an in-depth look at maca root and how it can help you supercharge your health and become a true alpha.

Increase testosterone and boost libido

Let’s start with the one thing every man wants aside from a huge dong and a million bucks his account – more testosterone. You know all about it, testosterone is the male hormone, and it’s responsible for a myriad of healthy bodily processes. It makes you strong, it makes you muscular, a bit assertive and kind of aggressive (that’s not such a bad thing, you know), and it drives your sexual desire and performance. 

Now get this: maca root, when taken consistently, may help increase virility in men. In 2010, a systematic review showed possible positive effects of maca root supplementation for males, believing to improve sperm formation, production, and mobility. 

Take good care of your prostate

We men don’t typically like to think about or accept our weaknesses and mistakes, but if you were to be completely honest with yourself, you would acknowledge the fact that men tend to have increased prostate problems as they age. You might develop a prostate condition, and you might not, but the truth is that aging men are at greater risk of prostatic hyperplasia and cancer. Maca root may be able to help prevent the former.

By preventing the binding up of hormones in the prostate through androgen receptors, maca root is believed to prevent prostate enlargement in healthy adults. Combined with regular ejaculation on your part and an overall healthy lifestyle, this is a pretty good recipe for lifelong prostate health. 

Improve your energy levels

When it comes to fitness and sports performance in general, maca root has been widely used throughout the decades as a great way to produce energy and create a sustained energy source for prolonged force exertion. By supplementing with maca powder on a regular basis, athletes are able to stabilize their blood glucose levels and regulate the level of ATP production for a more stable “burn” during training. The result is sustained energy and fatigue prevention, especially during rigorous training sessions.

Why is this important for you? Well, for one, you don’t want to feel like a powerless little wimp after training – like a you could get beat up by a five-year-old after leaving the gym. And if you’ve ever had a proper leg workout, you know what I’m talking about. Say that you don’t get into a fistfight with a child, you still want to be able to function properly after training, especially if you’re exercising in the morning and then continuing straight to the office. Sprinkle some maca root into your post-workout shake and you will banish fatigue.

Support the muscle-building process

Another great reason why maca root should make a regular appearance in your daily routine is because of its rich macronutrient complex, concretely, protein value. Maca root protein boasts a high bioavailability rating, ensuring that your body will absorb and metabolize almost all of the protein you take in. Not to mention that taking it is a great way to make your nutrition healthier and adopt healthy habits through discipline. While it might not be potent enough to completely replace your post-workout protein shake, it’s amino acid complex still makes a powerful addition to your whey shake and creatine. 

Improve memory and cognitive abilities

And lastly, you should know full well just how important it is to retain your cognitive proves and mental acuity over the years, especially as you age and numerous age-related conditions start to weigh down on your body and mind. Maca root has been shown through systematic reviews that it can offer benefits to male adults in terms of memory retention, mental performance, and mental clarity. Researchers are currently trying to find a way to use this awesome little plant to treat serious illnesses the likes of Alzheimer’s.

Wrapping up

In the search for lifelong health, strength, and fulfillment, a man must do whatever it takes to build the life he deserves. Maca root is yet another gift from Father Nature that can help you achieve your goals, and become the alpha you always wanted to be.

Charles Sledge