How To Increase Your Real Life Power Levels

I never watched Dragonball Z growing up unfortunately but looking at some of the messages of the show I wish I did. I particularly think the character of Vegeta is extremely well done and one of the best modern “Nietzschian” characters. But that’s not what this is about. In the show they have this thing called power levels which is exactly what it sounds like. I won’t go into the details about the show’s power levels because I don’t know them.

Here I want to show you how to increase your actual real life power levels and yes there is such a thing. I remember in one of the videos on Paul Waggener’s YouTube channel where he talked about guys he knew that played videogames where they focused on leveling up their characters and how they should be focused on doing that in real life not using a videogame as a surrogate for actual accomplishment. And I’m going to talk about something similar here.

So what is a power level in real life? Well it’s a combination of a couple of different things. As has been known since the dawn of time (but been forgotten in the modern age) man has three parts that make him up. The spiritual, mental, and physical components. Each are important and each need to be taken care of for full development. No matter what the scrawny sickly or fat and slovenly male will never be fully developed neither will the roided out meathead who’s highest thought is what brand of protein is best.

To increase your power levels to the maximum you must take care of all three aspects and develop them to the max. Now let’s dive into how exactly to do that.

Developing The Physical Power Levels

It’s weird how people either think physicality is everything or that its nothing at all. You have scrawny sickly guys who think they’re “above” having muscles or being strong (go ahead and laugh, I always do) but at the same time you have guys who are essentially the male version of instathots except they can’t capitalize off of it nearly as much. As I’ve spoken about before you want balance and you don’t want to fall into either camp. But let’s talk about physicality and its importance.

Since we live in the physical world our physical body is the basis from which our mind and spirit is built on, the foundation so to speak. This does not mean that it is superior to the mind or spirit but rather without a strong and primal body it will be hard to develop the mind and soul to the degree you’d want to. Also the mind, body, and spirit are all connected. Meaning that if you are scrawny or fat it effects your spiritual development as a man (no I’m not kidding).

There are a couple things to focus on physically. First is the production of healthy testosterone. Without testosterone you are literally not a man and the more of it you have the more of a man you are. Testosterone was God’s gift to man which the modern Satanic world seeks to snuff out. Doing all that you can to maximize it and have it at a healthy level is going in the right direction

Next you want strength and muscle. Man was never meant to have weak sickly frames or guts that blinded them from their own manhood. I’m not saying you have to be some puffed up bodybuilder or even that you should. I’m just saying you should have some usable muscle on your frame you should look like a healthy war ready male. Hypothetically if you lived in a primal village and it was attacked you should be able to be an asset and not a liability like the old, women, and children. Make sense?

I’d also recommend the development of strength. But not to the extreme detriment of aesthetics, aesthetics and strength should find a happy balance and when you train primally and naturally you end up with the best of both worlds. You’re not some cartoonish bodybuilder nor are you an obese “powerlifter” who can do nothing except the three big lifts. Combat sports and things like dips, pullups, and sprints are great ways to develop this.

Developing The Mental Power Levels

One thing that I like about combat sports such as boxing or BJJ as opposed to other sports I’ve done such as track or even football is that the former require intelligence not just pure athletic ability. You must out think and outfox your opponent. Whereas in track you just run a straight line fast and in football I just had to tackle the running back. Not to say those don’t have any mental components just overall. So with combat sports you get some mental development at the same time as physically (and I’d argue spiritual as well).

But obviously there’s much more to the mental power levels. One of the biggest things that you can do is read both fiction and nonfiction. Reading is such a valuable skill. It allows you to learn easily what others have striven and bled for. I don’t think people realize the powers that reading gives you, if you’ll actual use it. I’d recommend at least getting through one fiction and one non-fiction book a month. But I’d push for two a month (so four total) so that you make a habit out of it.

I don’t recommend doing any of that stupid speed reading crap as you miss details that make all the difference. Sit down and read like a normal person and enjoy the book like a human. I read non-fiction when I’m taking my morning restroom break and I read fiction before going to bed at night. If you want to know where to start I have some suggestions.

For check out these series and branch out from there. For nonfiction that’s going to depend on you. I’d recommend reading nonfiction books about an area that you are struggling with and need improvement in. For example say you just started a sales job and are having a hard time then I’d recommend picking up some Zig Ziglar. Likewise if you just started working out and have no what clue to do then Arnold’s Encyclopedia Of Modern Bodybuilding is the absolute best book on the subject (It laughs from its mountain at Starting Strength).

Reading is learning and you should never stop learning. But you must do more than just read. I’d also recommend writing, even if its just a diary. There is magic in organizing your thoughts and getting them down on paper. It makes you a better communicator and gives you a sharper mind among many other things. I write nonfiction (you’re reading it), copy, some fiction sometimes, and journal my own thoughts and am well aware of the power of writing. I’d recommend a pen/pencil and paper over computer when applicable as its more powerful to the brain.

One final thing would be the solving of problems which is you live a normal life should be plenty to get you started. Puzzles are also good whether they’re logic games, mental puzzles, or even combat sports (chess is also a good one). Where you have to out think and outmaneuver an opponent and defeat him. Some strategy games probably fall under this bubble as well. It has to be hard and it has to be a challenge or it doesn’t count.

Developing The Spiritual Power Levels

Now here is where we get into the deep stuff. I know many people think that the spiritual part of man is the only eternal one but I’m not so sure of that (a topic for another time). However it is certainly important and often cheapened (think white yuppie/mass marketed/capitalist “Buddism” and such) or ignored in our modern age. The spiritual component of man compromises many parts and is a multifaceted thing and therefore the recommendations and applications will be varied here.

Again as a quick note combat does something good for the spirit (one reason I’m a big fan of combat sports is because it develops all three of these things) as does hunting. Man was made to strive, fight, kill, and overcome. Which brings me to another large part of man’s spirituality and that is willpower. Modern soulless scientists have tried to say that willpower is a thing we have in limited quantities, but this isn’t true at all.

Willpower is something we draw from ourselves like a fire we control and that can raise when needed but we need to test it and test it often. We must learn to bite down and grit though hard times and toughen up. To dig down deep and push through. To not have that quit in us. To be the dog with the biggest fight in us. Let the soulless yuppies listen to their serpents, let them believe they are weak and without recourse, we men will know otherwise.

But it is not just willpower and fight that makes up the spiritual aspect of man. There is also a need for silence and solitude, to get away and be one with those above you. Finding time to be alone and to be quiet is very hard but its where the good things are found. Shut out the noise and the distraction and just be alone and at one with yourself. The best place to do this is in nature.

Nature heals and recharges the spirit of man and I recommend getting deep into nature whenever you can. Hike, camp, do whatever but get into the wilds and let it energize, recharge, and heal you, your masculinity, and soul. And pray Godzilla becomes real before every beautiful place is turned into a Wal-Mart with barred windows.

3 + 3 + 3 = Over 9000

The thing is when all of these things are acting together they are more powerful than acting apart. Meaning say a 3 is having everything together not perfectly but to a high level, 2 is your working good and on the right path but have a ways to go, 1 is you need to develop this area but are aware of it and starting to take action and 0 is your completely failing this area.

Say you have a 2 in physical, 3 in mental, and 2 in spiritual your power level would be 7 (don’t take this too literally, just an analogy). But let’s say you raise your levels to a 3 in physical a 3 in mental and a 3 in spiritual your power level wouldn’t be 9 it’d be like 15 because they compound when they’re all functioning together properly. Meaning that in addition to maximizing strong areas you must also raise up weak areas as well.

A boxer who only uses his left hand isn’t half as good as a boxer who uses his both hands he’s probably closer to 1/8 or 1/10 (saying that their ability would be equal with both hands). Things compound and make big differences. That’s why a little change in one area can have a compound effect across the board. Now get out and get your power levels over 9000!

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge