Testosterone Vs. IQ…Who Wins? (And Why)

There are a lot of people out there who like to make a fetish out of IQ believing that IQ is the end all be all to being a strong, healthy, and successful society. They believe that IQ is the answer to everything and the higher that one’s IQ is the more successful and prosperous that they’ll be as a nation/tribe/individual. But this just isn’t the case. I know there’s a lot of white nationalist types who like to always talk about how great IQ is (which is weird considering according to the statistics they use Jewish people have higher IQ than white people) and I see this line of thought leaking over into other areas as well.

In a weird way its almost the same mistake that the PUA types make. Thinking that its all about mental things while completely missing the much more important components. These types see the nerd (or scholar when done rightly) as the greatest archetype and believe the nerd to be superior (mostly because they themselves are nerds). However when you look at reality it becomes very apparent very quickly that IQ is not nearly its all cracked up to be and in no way, shape, or form does the nerd represent the ideal archetype.

It sort of the mistake that males who want to be “gentlemen” make (think hipsters reading art of manliness) they understand the gentle parts (perhaps too well) but completely forget the underlying masculine part. Before a man can be a gentleman he must first and foremost be a man. His gentleness must come from strength not from weakness. It’s the difference between the guy on his first day going light with you in sparring and the guy with 10 pro fights going light on you in sparring. One is going light because they don’t know any better and can’t do otherwise, the other is going light so you can learn but could shatter you jaw at any single moment (I’m fully aware new guys pretty much always go 150% was just using an analogy).

Strength Underlies All

Without high testosterone, high IQ is meaningless. And intelligence is inferior to wisdom but that’s a topic for another time. Without strength the other things don’t matter. Without the primal/barbarian virtues (the only “true” virtues if you ask me) the civilized “virtues” are meaningless. What use is knowing the finer points of calculus when your women and children and raped and killed? Whats the point of being able to create a great work of art when the home your father built is occupied by invaders? What use is the great inventions and tombs of your dead ancestors if your sons are weak and feeble? And so on and so forth. No tribe that has neglected strength has ever survived. Strength is the most important thing.

I remember one Twitter argument between a alt-right guy and a red pill guy. The alt-right guy was arguing about the “superiority” of white people or some shit by saying that darker people are inferior because they have a gene that makes them higher testosterone and therefore more warlike (which white nationalist types (being bereft of testosterone) see as a bad thing). While the red pill guy was arguing otherwise.

I remember sitting here thinking alright this alt-right guy’s “argument” is essentially whites are superiors to darker people because white are spindly autistic muscle bereft nerds with high IQ while black and brown people are muscle bound savage warriors. Now obviously this is nonsense on many levels and insulting to every people mentioned but its one iteration of this error that I see many people fall into. Even if they leave the race/nation/tribal part out of it.

Testosterone First, IQ Second…ish

Now obviously to be the best you can be you want to develop yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually as much as possible. And its no different with a people, you want high testosterone and high IQ (meaning smart) people (as well as creative people) there is no doubt to that. But an issue arises when you make a fetish out of IQ for whatever reason. So many of the “genetic types” (I think you know what I mean) shoot themselves in the foot and make themselves look foolish by making themselves out to be the inferior species (I’ve seen this with radical black and white supremacist types among others).

Now you may think “Yeah but those are extreme groups so who cares?” but the thing is extreme groups dictate much more of thought than you think and can lead people into error. Testosterone and strength come first and are the most important then and only then does IQ and things like it come into play. Without the warrior you cannot have the scholar or the artist. Without the warrior everything else fails and ceases to matter. People put themselves in boxes far too much when it doesn’t reflect reality. You can be both strong, smart, creative, and wise if you work at it.

The biggest takeaway I want you to have from this is not to make a fetish out of IQ as its not nearly as important as people think. High testosterone and strength is what matters first and foremost then IQ comes somewhere after that. Where it comes after (whether 2nd or 3rd or 10th or whatever) can be argued but there is not argument that strength comes first. When you or a people don’t/doesn’t have strength that is the first and foremost priority to reacquire that strength and raise the testosterone then you can worry about piddly things like IQ.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge