How To Improve Your Mental Health

Let me start this off by saying that I am not a doctor. Nor am I a professional. If you’re having thoughts of suicide here is the link to the suicide hotline. This is my opinion and what has worked for me, nothing less and nothing more. Always consult with a professional.

Now with that all out of the way let’s take a moment to talk about mental health. We’re in a bit of a mental health crisis in the Western world. Skyrocketing rates of depression, suicide, and other mental ailments grow from year to year. And the many drugs pumped out just seem to make things worse. So many problems in one’s life stem back to mental issues and not being able to deal with these issues.

So today I want to do a break down of mental health, what it is, the components that make it up, and what we can do to improve it as best we can. There is a multi-faceted topic and no one article on the topic could ever be considered conclusive. Again I am not expert and this is not professional advice, this is one man’s opinion and what has worked for him. Nothing less and nothing more, so treat it as such. Let’s get started.

The Trifecta Of Mental Health

Everything is related and connected to the other. No where is this more true than in our bodies. When we think of mental health we generally think of brain chemistry and brain chemistry alone and while this is true in order to heal mentally and have the best chance at vibrant mental health we have to take a “holistic” look at all of this. What I mean by that is even though mental health is “mental” there are spiritual and physical components to it as well. And that’s just the tip of the iceburg.

Meaning that there are many components that make up mental health, much more than is commonly thought. Everything from what you eat to who you hang out with and where all contributes to your mental well being. Again everything is related and connected and nowhere is this more true than in your body. So I want to take each of these facets one by one and break down what you can do to help facilitate mental health in each, thereby facilitating mental health in the whole.

The Physical Aspects Of Mental Health

There’s been a meme going around that all that’s needed to cure depression is going to the gym. While that’s not entirely true there is a nugget of truth to it. Physical activity and exercise has a positive effect on your mental state. If your body is never in motion there’s no way that your mental state is going to be all that it can be. Humans were meant to move and be in motion. We were meant to sweat, to strive, and breath in fresh air. Some sort of physical activity should be part of your life.

The gym and lifting weights is certainly an option, as are combat sports. But anything will do. Going for walks or hikes in nature is a fantastic idea. Going for a canoe ride, going for a swim, biking some trails, playing a game of pickup basketball, and so on and so forth. Anything that gets you out and gets your body moving is going to be beneficial for your health. As I’ve talked about many times I do combat sports but I also go on hikes and get in nature whenever I can as well. Sweating and moving is good for mental health, as is getting out in nature.

The Mental Aspect Of Mental Health

This one at first might seem redundant but there’s a lot to it. So a lot of mental health has to do with chemical imbalances and neural pathways. Not all, but a lot of it. What can you do to help with these things? There are many things, too many to list here, but there are a few that standout. First off I think addictive substances do even more damage where they’re taken with a brain that’s already compromised. Granted often the reason for addiction was the imbalance in the first place, but anything you can do to get off addictive substances will help.

Easier said than done obviously and we’ll cover more about this later. Another thing is working on mindset and the things you say and think about yourself. We are always in conversation with ourselves day in and day out. When those constant thoughts are negative and limiting we end up a negative and limiting life. When they’re more “positive” and “expanseive” we live the same kind of life. I’m not saying you can simply think your way to perfect mental health.

That’d be a foolish thing to say. What I am saying is that your thinking plays a big role in your life. Getting it right will pay dividends. Don’t beat yourself up, don’t be so hard on yourself, don’t say you’re stupid, dumb, a failure or whatever. Understand failure is the biggest part of success and so on and so forth. Understand humans are malleable and can change. That your today doesn’t have to be your tomorrow. Might sound cheesy at first but there’s a lot of power to this.

The Health Aspect Of Mental Health

Did you know the gut functions as almost a “second brain” and that there is a direct correlation between gut health and mental health? Meaning that your diet has a huge influence on your mental health as well as how your brain works. So when you put in modern “food” made by big corporations you’re not just destroying your waist line but could be destroying your mental function as well. You want to eat as close to nature as possible while taking advantage of a few smart things.

For example adding fermented foods/drinks into the diet such as kombucha, kefir, or sauerkraut in order to help to gut flora. Boiling down bones for bone broth so you can heal your gut and get nutrients you need. All of this should be started slow because it can be rough going at first. Eat meats instead of processed carbs, and so on and so forth. Remove the toxins that are poisoning both your body and your mind. I’ve mentioned them once already above but the Weston A. Price Foundation has a good flyer on the link between mental health and gut health you can find here.

The Communal Aspect Of Mental Health

For most of human history people had family surrounding them. Not just immediate family but extended family as well. I spent a part of my life growing up in the hills where it seemed every other person in the hills were my cousins of one sort or another. Living like this makes a big difference in life and your mental wellbeing. Humans were meant to be part of a group, a collective. Family, neighborhood, community, tribe, whatever you want to call it. And when people are not part of something things start to break down.

If you’re not part of a community, and no online communities don’t count, I suggest you become part of one. Better yet move around family or a small town where there’s a sense of community. Being an atomized individual is bad for your mental health. Be part of something more than yourself. If it can’t be family then find something else. A group, anything really. Just something you can be a part of and contribute to where the people know each other and look out for one another. In other words, a community. And a real life flesh in blood, look in the eyes, can reach out and shake a hand one. There’s no such thing as an online community.

The Spiritual Aspect Of Mental Health

Belief in a life after and spiritual redemption is good for the mind but you don’t have to be religious to get the benefits from it. Let me explain, I’m not talking about deluding yourself either. Quantum physics has been proving lately that there’s far more to this world and existence then we know. It’s been echoing things that religions have known for years. There is more to life then this existence. And when we die it is no way, shape, or form the end. You don’t have to be religious to believe this.

Understand that what you see around you is not all that there is. I can understand how this could be depressing. The world is not a pretty place and human society is often disgusting. But there’s more to life, there’s more to existence, and there’s more to the world than what you see around you. The body you’re in is a temporary thing. Whether you “believe” in science or religion they both come to the same conclusions. There’s more to this world than this existence. The materialist view crumbles before reason.

Working On Mental Health Is A Journey

When I was working on my own mental health issues I always tried to remind myself that this wasn’t a quick thing. Having a mind that is mentally unstable in many ways is like having a body that’s obese. Even when doing everything right it’s going to take time and consistency to start to see results. They’re not going to happen right away. It may take years to be completely healed but every day you’re improving. Every day you’re moving closer to health and wellness.

True health and true wellness. I’ve laid out a lot here but I hope it can help you on your path to mental health. It’s been a long one with plenty of setbacks for me but ultimately worth it in the end. Understand there’s going to be bumps and caverns on your way forward but that you’ll make it through. You have the power to do that within you. Believe in yourself, even though it might seem foolish at first. Try something from each “category” laid out here and see what it does for you.

I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the results.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge