How To Be A Little Less Crazy

Let me start this by saying that none of this is medical advice and that if you have mental issues you need to see a professional. What I’m laying out here is how to help destress your life and move towards mental health, something we should all be doing. I’ve recently moved into a side job where I work more and more with the public. It’s been an interesting contrast to copywriting.

I don’t plan on doing it long, as it’s to get experience for something else, but it’s been interesting. I’ve been interacting with hundreds upon hundreds of people in a very busy local that draws many different people from different areas and it’s been enlightening to say the least. For most people who work in an office job, just how crazy people are becoming, is something that is relegated to looking at the news or videos online.

People are becoming angrier, more stressed, just crazier in general. This seems to be mostly focused in Western nations but most likely is happening all over the world. The further we live from natural living and ways of living the more we break down, as a society, and on the individual level.

So what can be done about it?

On a society wide level? Not that much, however on a personal level there are things that we can do. So let’s dig into some of the best.

Who Is Your Tribe?

I’ve moved through different stages of my life where I’ve had a close knit group of friends that have helped keep me accountable and push myself and there have been times when I’ve been going through life alone. With as much as I’ve moved and the various places I have traveled through or been, sometimes it can be hard to forge a friend group and as life catches up with us all, along with geography, it can be harder and harder to keep groups together.

No matter where you are I’d encourage to become part of some sort of male group that is going to push you and keep you together. That’s going to hold you accountable in some way, shape, or form. A group of losers isn’t going to cut it. This can be a professional group that’s related to your job, this can be a group related to a gym or sport, this can be a religious related group, or it can be just a group that you form. Regardless you want to have others in your life that are going to hold you accountable, keep your feet to the fire, and help pick you up when you’re down.

We are not meant to live alone.

We are not meant to be isolated islands afloat in our own sea. Humans are tribal creatures and are meant to function that way. When we do not we run into all sorts of problems. Physically, mentally, and spiritually. Look around you at society and general and you see the decay, the sickness, and the degeneration of things. Again physically, mentally, and spiritually. You might need multiple groups to meet these needs in your life.

Maybe reconnect with old friends, family members, or simply send out an ad for those looking to better themselves. See what resources you can leverage in your community and that you can become a part of. Even having a night once a week where you join together with others is better than nothing.

A weekly night to play board games is better than being by yourself all week. Find what works for you and make it work.

Empathy & Understanding

Do you rush to judgement? You probably do, as do I. We all do. It’s just how humans work and it’s how we’ve survived as a species for so long. However it can backfire as well. Taking a second to stop and think about another person and why they are the way that they are can do wonders to make yourself less angry and resentful. This is especially true if you work for the public and have daily interactions with lots of angry, stressed out, and slightly crazy people.

They all got this way through various things. Most of them because of how out of step with their own nature that they are living. I think we’ve all been there before. This doesn’t exonerate their behavior or make it okay or mean that you have to be okay with it. But it can help with your own health and wellbeing. Take a step back, look at how messed up our systems and ways of living are, it’s no wonder so many end up so wrong.

Does that make it okay? No, not necessarily but it’s an component that helps to keep yourself sane. And it’s an important skill to have. The worlds gone crazy, most people are put through all kinds of grinders for people that are way more powerful and, frankly, intelligent then they are. These grinders and made to keep the ones in power in power and have all sorts of negative side effects for those pushed through the grinders.

Most people never had much of a chance. Again what’s wrong is wrong and this isn’t a get out of jail free card. Just a mental exercise to help understand the world around you and stay sane in the process.

Get Away If You Can

The modern world is no place for humans. Find whatever way you can to separate yourself from it as much as possible. I don’t necessarily mean become a prepper and move to the woods so much as turn off the news, learn to take care of yourself, and learn skills that’ll help you get where you need to be. See if you can work a job remotely to move to a better area, a side income to help become more mobile. Things of that nature. Learn to read the wind if you know what I mean.

Remember to breath. Do all the things I’ve mentioned before, eat right, exercise, meditate, read, get some fresh air and sunshine, smile, things of that nature. But include these other things mentioned. I’m not saying it’ll solve everything but it’s a start. And stay free of things like drugs, alcohol, pornographer, social media, tobacco, and the like as much as you can.

And know that no matter what, there’s always hope.

If anything I said here helped you I’d recommend checking my books out on Amazon. And as always, thanks for reading.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge