Members Only Post #121 – Planting Seeds

I think most of us can agree that the world isn’t perfect, and that it never will be. But I think we can also agree that the world, and much much more importantly our local life is not as good as it could be for a whole host of different reasons. I think most reading this site understand that the world, the Western world, in particular is in sort of a crisis for a variety of different reasons. Reasons that aren’t really productive to go into for the sake of this article.

But safe to say there are a lot of different factors that is making life a hell of a lot harder and more painful for people than it need to be. And this sucks, obviously. But the bigger question is, what can be done about it? I’ve been reading and learning for a long time now. It’s been over a decade now since I’ve had the veil ripped from my eyes so to speak. And since then I’ve gone down rabbit hole after rabbit hole learning all that I can about this crazy world we call Earth around us.

But more specifically how the humans who inhabit this world act. I seen things pop into my awareness that I figured would never be embraced or even get to the mainstream. Yet to my surprise every now and then I’ll see a sliver of truth break into the masses. It’s usually wedded to something awful, distorted, or used for the ends of another. But just the fact that it gets out there floored me when I first saw it.

Bare Fields Blossom Green In Time

So any farmer/gardener reading that headline probably just fell off their chair but the metaphor works for our purposes here. It may seem like truth doesn’t matter and I would say that for a long time it didn’t. Truth was the currency of a very select few. Never or rarely something that leaked out to the masses. At least in centralized industrialized societies. However this seems to be changing with things like the internet.

Despite all the censorship going on, it’s really really hard to completely censor something on the internet, maybe even impossible. Not that’ll stop tyrannical countries like China or the United States from trying but it’s a hard game. And because of this you have tons of information getting out. I know I’ve given advice and talked to people before years ago who had no room for what I had to say.

Threw it out completely. Now they come back to me and tell me I was right about some things. More and more this seems to be happening. Seeds that I have planted in others minds, combined with the water of national/worldwide events, and the sun of personal events. They’re blooming into thoughts that I had a long time ago and it’s interesting to see.

Why This Matters To You

But let’s answer the most important question about all of this. What does this mean to you? And how can you use it to improve your own life. Well first off I think we all have loved ones or at least people we care about. People who we don’t want to see led into error and who we don’t want to suffer needlessly. Yet at the same time know we can just go blast them double barrel with our thoughts, advice, or beliefs because that never works.

Instead what can be done is you can plant seeds in them. Seeds that can blossom and grow in time. Sure we’d all like instant action but that’s not how things generally work. The best way to do this is to take a relatively neutral stance and ask questions. Let them come to their own conclusions about things, just ask the right questions to really make them think about it. Granted you better have asked these same hard questions about your own beliefs.

Ask questions, let them think for themselves, and you’ll have planted seeds. Now that seeds may never blossom they may be drown out by others but they’ll be there and they might be of use to that person one day. It might even change their life and you’ll be affecting the world around you. And when you affect the world around you by planting seeds and spreading wisdom you make the world better for yourself, especially when you do this in your own community.

Something to think about and make use of.

Charles Sledge