Do Women Like Guys With Muscles?

If you’ve ever asked this question then there is one thing that I know about you without any shadow of a doubt. And that is you’ve never had muscles. The fact that this is even debated blows my mind. Though I think I have an idea of where this comes from. So when it comes to mating looks and youth of a primary importance to men while reasources and strength are of primary importance to women. This is where the looks don’t matter to women comes from and it is true, in certain circumstances to a certain extent. However as a man when you’re wondering about how to attract more women you’re generally thinking about short term sexual encounters not making a girl your bride.

And when we’re talking about this then things change drastically. You’ll probably heard of the dads and cads or alpha and beta dichotomy. Whereas on one side you have the nice generally resource rich betas/dads and on the other side you have the devil may care bad boys the cads or alphas. One women want to marry or at least get the resources from and the other they want to have sex with. With the resources it doesn’t matter too much what they look like hence where looks in fact do not matter as much but when it comes to sex then looks matter much more, especially short term sex like most men want.

Short Term Vs. Long Term

Most guys ideal or what they’re seeking is sex with lots of beautiful women with minimum commitment. Yet to do this most guys focus on the wrong things. They focus on having a “good personality” (whatever the hell that means), being funny, being a “nice guy”, or having a nice and secure job. Whereas they should be focusing on the things that get women wet. Things like being masculine, not putting women on pedestals, not taking shit, not being fat, and having muscle. Now I’ve talked about this before to an extent. But when a woman first sees you there are some things that she’ll instantly size up about you.

Demeneor, height, muscle mass, and body language. These make the first impression and as far as sex goes a first impression is critical after all many women can decide if you’d be a good prospect for short term sex within 30 seconds of meeting you. As you work on improving yourself you’ll see that how women react to you changes as you change yourself. Whereas originally when meeting new attractive women they could really care less about you. To when you meet them they ackowledge and talk to you. To when you meet them they look at you like a starving dog looks at a piece of steak.

So Do Muscles Matter?

So let’s talk about muscle and how it relates to all of this, after all that’s why you’re here, isn’t it? In a word hell yes muscles matter. The more naturally muscular you get the more women are going to be attracted to you plain and simple. Throw lots of steroids in and things change if you develop a unnatural look but that’s a topic for another time. But as far as natural muscle goes more is better. There is a reason that jocks who can barely spell their name drown in pussy and nerds who have divined the secrets of the internet are ignored (until they get rich and get mechanical sex from their unfaithful wives).

Women love muscles. Muscles signify that you’re masculine and have strength. I can’t find the research study at the moment but there is a study that shows that there is a direct correlation between a man’s upper body size and the number of sexual partners that he has. Meaning the more muscular he was the more sex he got. Seems simple yet many ignore this fact. Women don’t just like guys with muscles they love guys with muscles as any guy with muscle who pays one iota of attention to what is going on around him can tell you. Women may say otherwise but if you listen to what women say instead of watch what they do, you’ll always be misled by them.

Get Big, Get Laid

Sure there’s always that one autistic bodybuilder who lives with his mom and can’t get a girl but don’t use the dramatic extreme exception to prove the rule. But in general the bigger you get (meaning naturally muscular) the easier it’ll be to get laid. Of course even with muscle is you’re a huge pussy you’ll have a hard time getting laid but that’s true of anything. So of course you still need to be a man it’s just that having mucle will get you many more opportunities much easier. So put some muscle on.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it. You can follow me on Twitter here.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge