Physicality As The Basis Of Game

Something that I was thinking about was even though I have fluctuated in how good of shape I’ve been I’ve never been fat or a skinny dweeb. I’ll explain why any of this matters to you in a moment. I always played sports I did karate for many years, played baseball and soccer, then in high school played football, wrestled, boxed, ran track, and weight trained. Then in college I was at the gym at the very least three times a week even with a full course load and working about an hour away from campus.

Point is when thinking about all of this is that I’ve never “gamed” as an out of shape guy and therefore cannot relate to one who is and is trying to pickup girls. So when I look at somethings I look at them from the perspective of a guy who is in relatively good shape. Not great shape but good shape which has colored my outlook. So when I tell a guy “Just talk to some girls, learn the basics of game (don’t supplicate, hold frame, etc.), and get out there” I say that because that what worked for me.

Physicality As The Basis Of Game

But with that being said I was neglecting to think about how much being naturally broad shouldered (but not tall) and muscular added to my attractiveness to women. It’d be like a guy who is 6’6 telling guys how to attract women. “Well uh see step one is to simply exist and be 6’6 and uh don’t be obese. Also kino works really well for some reason, might have something to do with being a giant, Idk.”. You get my drift. And while red pill awareness, understanding of female nature, and a few other things that make up “game” are important (after all if you’re a giant who is also a giant pussy you’ll turn off girls fast as lightning), it’s not the most important thing.

The foundation of your game and your success with women is how you look. At least as far as sex goes, when it comes to long term relationships other things matter. But when it comes to quick sex whether one night stands, 5 minutes in the bathroom stands, or a fuck buddy relationship your physicality is going to be the most important thing. Again if you’re a giant sopping pussy then physicality isn’t going to work but barring that it’s very important. When it comes to quick sex physicality meaning how you look is usually what matters more than anything else.

Why Make Things Hard On Yourself?

Now sure there are guys who aren’t that good looking and have high notch counts with lots of women. However those notch counts would have much more easily been gotten if they were in better shape. And if you’re going after the cream of the crop girls then you need to be physically attractive. If you don’t mind getting your notch count up with a bunch of 5’s and 6’s because it strokes your ego sure you don’t need to be that good looking. But if you want to sleep with 8’s, 9’s, and 10’s and aren’t a multi millionaire paying for them then you have to be in good shape.

And as with everything in life, why make things hard on yourself? Going to the gym and being in shape is something that you should be doing anyway for your own good. Sexual dirmorphism is the key to attraction between the sexes. Having broad shoulders, a deep voice, being strong and aggressive, and so on and so forth are what cause attraction to women. Well at least the feminine attractive ones which is the only ones we’re after anyways.

Sexual Dimorphism & Attraction

But with that being said when it comes to short term attraction (one night stands and so on and so forth) a woman won’t be able to really tell if you’re an aggresive and strong man as much as she’ll be able to see that you’re a masculine man by the way your body is expressed. Again broad shoulders, thick neck, big arms, and so on and so forth are things she can instantly see and become attracted to. This is why you can take a girl home from a bar without saying more than a couple of words to you when you’re masculine and in shape.

Because in a dark bar or crowded beach a woman isn’t going to have much time to see your masculinity in other ways. And despite what PUAs say you can’t talk a girl into sleeping with you. It’s about physical animal attraction that was already there. Nothing more and nothing less. So when it comes to simply getting laid with top quality women then looks matter as much to women as they do for men. When it comes to long term things even some fuck buddy relationships this changes. But for the quick bangs how you look matters more than just about anything else.

Moral Of The Story Is, Get In Shape

Great shape if you can. Matter of fact there are multiple studies that show that a man’s partner count correlates with his upper body mass. More mass equals more partners. This doesn’t mean to skip leg day of course just a statement of facts. When it comes to quick animal attraction and quick sex how you look matters just as much to women as how a woman looks does to a man. Don’t neglect your physicality an important part of your masculinity.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it. You can follow me on Twitter here.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge


  1. Yes! I was never a weak kid, weight lifting, played sports in school out of school constant rough housing, Karate etc and you will never have a problem getting women!

    Good article.

    • For sure, never been out of shape no never realized the difference that it makes.
      There’s a reason that a dumb jock who can barely spell his name still drowns in pussy. Not that I recommend that but just an example. And thanks.

  2. I agree…i was always skinny…now i m 76kgs 12% bf and it really makes the difference..i can imagine what would happen if i continue putting more muscle and getting bigger.

    • When you hug a girl whoes frame is smaller than you..she feels protected and more attached to you..thats obvious but still the truth.

      • For sure, and that’s awesome keep it up. The more muscle you put on naturally the bigger response you get, at least that’s been my experience. However when you use roids and get that unnatural look then response would go down.

        • Thanks Charles- and thats great info to know..for now my goals are getting to 80 kilos with the same bodyfat…i really dont know if i should get ripped below 12% … some people say it can backfire if you are a natural… in the way the body functions ..that you will have a harder time keeping muscle..and hormone disfunction…what do you think?

          • Yeah below 10 things can get messed up, don’t really see a need either unless you’re competing in a body building competition. Girls will find you more attractive above 10 and you’ll be stronger as well so see no need for it. 12 is great.

  3. Hey Charles, quick question. I don’t know many people who I can ask this whose opinion I value highly.

    I have no problem picking up new girls and shagging them. If I go out with my masculinity on display and fearless, seductions happen fast. But I’m afraid how much is too much. Should you bang as many chicks as you can. Cuz I don’t know what else I would do with them.

    Maybe it would help if I raised my standards and say only bang 8s or above. But then I won’t be getting laid as much or it would be more difficult.
    Basically i guess my question is I kinda live for the moment and can’t see the end game to shagging women left and right lol.
    Would love to hear your thoughts.
    Thanks brother!

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