Consumerism Vs. Masculinity

I know in modern life we’re often faced between two shitty choices, often having to choose the lesser of two evils. For example look at politics. Essentially we’re to pick between two different ways of getting unpleasantly fucked. Do we want to get a spiked dildo or a studded dildo rammed up our ass? Sure I guess technically one is better than the other (again technically) but I’ve always wondered why more people don’t ask “How about we don’t get a dildo shoved up our ass at all?” sorry for the crude analogy but hopefully it made the point.

Now what does this have to do with consumerism and masculinity? Well lately I’ve highlighted how capitalism isn’t the best thing for masculinity or society as a whole. Now this in the Western mind (or what’s left of it) this automatically makes one associated with socialism and communism. After all is you don’t consider consumerism and the “almighty dollar” the greatest good then obviously you’re literally Stalin.

Because we’re given two choices. The spiked dildo, in this case communism/socialism and the studded dildo capitalism. I’ve always found it strange that men throw their loyalty behind capitalism when every major corporation hates masculinity, ridicules it, funds methods of destroying it, and wishes for all tribes to be destroyed under the banner of “consumer”. Communism and capitalism fit together perfectly in that regard (and a whole lot of others).

The Consumerist Machine

Now one can say “Well that’s not capitalism that’s X”, X generally being consumerism, crony capitalism, or something derivative thereof. But I don’t see how that’s any different from a socialist saying “Well X isn’t real socialism”. X being an example of a country that failed horribly and with a starving population generally. But I want to get beyond this and into consumerism and it’s effect on our lives.

Despite what economist say and believe, man was meant for more than simply consuming and making dollars. Believe it or not but for a long time man held things such as honor, blood, and many other traits above that of the dollar or to consume more. We have a society where each year man works harder for a dollar and the dollar buys less and less. Hamsters running on a wheel that is getting harder and harder to push. Eventually something will most likely give…but then with the neutering of man’s fighting spirit maybe not.

There’s an old saying that states what you own ends up owning you and there is a lot of truth to it. This doesn’t mean we have to renounce all worldly possessions and go live as a monk in the woods (and let’s be honest there’s not much woods left to live in without getting drug out for a violation of some stupid law). Rather the point is to not get caught up in making and consuming for the sake of making and consuming more. Most people work themselves numb to afford the things that numb them to the fact that they have to work themselves numb in the first place.

Getting Off The Hamster Wheel

“You are not you’re fucking khakis” as Tyler Durden/Chuck Palahniuk would say. There’s more to life than simply existing in order to consume more. Where consumerism flourishes masculinity eventually becomes extinct. Do anything you can to help yourself get off this treadmill. For some it’ll be taking up something like copywriting or another job that can help offset the time spent working or eventually replace their corporate job.

Which will lead to time freed to be spent in other ways. Try growing your own food, downsizing your house (but not your land), and so on and so forth. I’m not saying you have to be Amish or anything like that. But take steps away from the sped up hamster wheel and give yourself time to think, breath, and actually live. Otherwise you’ll wake up 10, 20, 30 years down the road and wonder where your life, soul, and family went.

One of my goals with my writings is to get you to question and think. Too often people end up brainless parrots organized against the thing they hate instead of looking at reality as much as they can. For example the red pill/alt right does this all the time. It’s not about just going against things that are wrong so far you end up in another error, it’s about staying out of error as much as possible in total.

The Paradox Of Choice

So again just because choice A sucks ass and you know it does not automatically mean that choice B is the greatest thing ever and you should be 100% behind choice B regardless of anything. Think and realize that what the puppet masters present to you is never what’s in your best interest but rather what’s in theirs. Of course this doesn’t mean to become paranoid either, it means to be balanced. Enjoy life, but realize that the options presented to you (especially when there’s only two) are not generally your best choice, that will be hidden away and something you have to discover on your own.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge