5 Videos That You Should Watch To Be A Stronger Man

I figured I’d share these with you instead of waiting for a bunch of weekly roundups that would take place over months. Somethings cannot wait to be shared. I have a good mix of videos here all teach a powerful lesson about masculinity. Some of them are short little clips while others are fleshed out speeches or interviews that run over an hour. I’d encourage you to bookmark this page and come back to it listening to each of the videos in turn. Like I said they cover a wide variety of topics but are important concepts for men to understand.

Also none of them are in the typical “red pill” genre you’ll find no whining or crying here. Some may be considered “alt-right” but I don’t think that term is the right one. These videos show the reality of the world that you can either adapt to or be snuffed out. I think there is way too much crying, bitching, and whining and that the “red pill” has become a men’s victim group instead of a harsh look at reality like it was supposed to be. But enough of all that shit let’s get into the videos and the lessons they contain.

Paul Waggener’s – Confrontation


“Be confrontable to your allies, be absolutely unconfrontable to your opponents, and make sure you know how to handle yourself should that situation arise”

So I know the doing pullups at the beginning will seem try hard to some of you but the message of the video is spot on. I’m a big fan of Paul’s, Operation Werewolf, and what he is doing, which is why he has two videos in this. In this Paul talks about the inevitability of confrontation and why you should always be prepared for it. He talks about the difference between intra-tribal and extra-tribal confrontation (something I plan on writing about soon). He also talks about the stupidity of “lone wolves” and why you have to be ready to fight and many more important concepts. Be sure to check it out, it’s a short but informative view.

Red Ice Radio’s – Man Up To The Invasion


“If the world is capable of oppressing you, you deserve to be oppressed”

A great interview with so many good points that I can’t begin to list them here. Great criticisms of the “red pill” among other things. If you’re a “man” who is always whining about how awful women are (while doing nothing to improve yourself) you need to give this a listen and then take a long hard look in the mirror. Women follow leaders, conquerors, and bad ass winners not whiny pussies. While I’ve always been patient with some things I’m going to start taking a harder line on this as I see more and more “men” who just want to complain instead of unfucking themselves. Anyways give this interview a listen a ton of great points from all the speakers.

Jack Donovan’s – Becoming The New Barbarians


“One of the best pieces of writing advice I ever got was this ‘never say people when you mean men’ and along the same lines my recommendations to you being never say us when you mean them. Stop using democratic language, stop pretending the we all have to be on the same team when we really don’t. Decide who you really care about and what you have in common. Define your boundaries. Decide who is in and who is out”

Just for the record I’m no fan of Richard Spencer I think he’s weak among other things but I am a fan of Jack’s and this is a great video covering good points. Jack talks about some great things. One key point is the deuniversalization of morality meaning that morality is only for your tribe and tribal members not for outsiders among other things. He talks about the importance of thinking tribally, how no one is coming to save you, why white people as so dumb right now, how the heroic impulse is being wasted, and how to become independent and interdependent at the same time. As well as building your own communities. Lots of good points and well worth a thorough listen.

Vegeta’s – Strength

“Strength is the only thing that matters in this world, everything else is just a delusion of the weak”

Not a big fan of anime, threw me off when I first saw this video but after listening to it glad I gave it a listen. I’m convinced the the writer of the Dragon Ball Z series had inspiration from Might Makes Right and Nietzsche when writing the Vegeta character. The Vegeta characters is a great example of becoming a man rising to meet the next challenge. The quips in this video could have come from someone like Ragnar Redbeard or Nietzsche or even myself (humble brag). I don’t think I’ve ever seen masculinity summed up so well in a 2 minute video set to music. Also great to work out to or to play on a loop over your son’s crib while he sleeps (just kidding).

Operation Werewolf’s – Get Out There (Or Get Out)


“You can’t find glory or brotherhood in the way that you probably want to find it by sitting around at home and hoping it finds you there on your ass. Adventure is out there, the proving ground is out there.”

Another great one from Paul and Operation Werewolf. As a side note I highly, highly recommend that you check out the rest of his YouTube videos and digest them, some great stuff. I chose this video in particular for a couple reasons. First off hitting on the point that you need to put yourself through the fire and proving ground. That you need to get out there into the world and find adventure and brotherhood, not simply sit back at home.

Watch, Take Notes, Digest, & Above All Take Action

Watch all of these videos all the way through. Take notes on them, digest the concepts that are discussed, and then above all else start taking action. If you’re not sure what actions to take here’s some recommendations. If you’re not training with weights, fighting in some form of fashion, and not reading and writing start there and cultivate those habits. And then go from there. These videos are a great start to helping set you in the right direction.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it. You can follow me on Twitter here.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge