3 Uses The Elite Have For The Masses

If you asked the average person on the street if those in power cared for them they would nod their heads up and down with big smiles on their faces. Doesn’t matter if they’re liberal, conservative, or any other political stripe. We’ve been taught that those above us are good and have our best interests at heart. Sure we may not like the person on the other team but overall those in power are for the people, after all that’s what is so great about democracy and freedom! The masses are in love with their masters, no doubt about that and anyone who questions the beliefs that have been instilled in them by their masters is an evil threat.

It’s a bit ironic considering the those in charge see the masses are disposable pawns to be used, discarded, and mocked behind their backs as needed. There are in general three types of pawns that the elites want to masses to fall into. To be a free man who stands on his own two feet and doesn’t feed into the matrix/great babylon whatever your metaphor is, you have to be aware of these groups. Don’t be a pawn, a fool who sacrifices himself for those that laugh with glee at his destruction. Now for the list.

Use #1 – The Useful Idiot

This is the political control arm. You see these people protesting hetero males breathing or something. They’re always on TV, shouting about this and that. They’re at work telling you about the evils of men or whatever the latest bugaboo they’ve been told to hate is. You may laugh at them after all they’re dumber than a bunch of rocks and for the most part cowards to the core. But what they lack in strength or intelligence they make up in numbers. And in a democracy (which after is the absolute best form of government, my government told me so) numbers are everything which makes convincing the masses everything.

This is how crazy laws that benefit those in power come into play. This is how things can change that any sane person would think never could. You can convince the masses of everything if you understand even the basics of human psychology combined with mass distribution systems to disseminate your message. Never underestimate the power of the useful idiot. All you may see is the idiot part but never forget the useful. And make sure you’re not buying into political movements that care nothing about you and are set up for your ultimate destruction or keeping you a slave.

Use 2 – Cannon Fodder

Now when we think of useful idiots we generally think of more left leaning types, don’t get me wrong there are plenty of useful idiots on either side but the left wins as far as useful idiots go. However don’t think for a second they don’t get right leaning individuals either. However they have to go about getting them in a different way. And they do this through using right leaning individuals as cannon fodder through the armed forces or law enforcement. That is those that they can’t subvert to be their personal goons flying under the banner of the state. If there is some political unrest that needs to be stirred up somewhere (you know for democracy) you can bet your ass the elites aren’t going to be sending their sons into the fray.

Their children dying isn’t worth some political gain hey but your son, why not? Whether it’s having soldiers occupy a region that will always hate them and handicap them from fighting back or throwing cops into the street with no power other than to absorb bullets or face a riot. And this is all done for monetary and political gain. Those that can’t be turned into the elite’s own personal goons will be used as cannon fodder. And like the useful idiot one who is designated to be cannon fodder truly believes in what he is fighting for, he has been convinced it’s for his and his country/family/peoples/etc. own good.

Use 3 – The Mindless Consumer

Alright so maybe you can’t be used as a political tool and therefore don’t qualify as an useful idiot and maybe you don’t have any inclination to join the army or police force so you can’t be used as cannon fodder. Well if you’re not going to help the elite gain political or military power then you can at the very least help make them rich. Many conservatives and women fall into this category. They have nothing else they stand for so they don’t, they go where the dollar takes them. The guy who runs this company hates me and my kind? So what he has the cheapest prices and capitalism (like democracy) is the greatest good.

Consume, consume, consume that is all these people are good for. They have no stances, no beliefs, no heart, no pride, no morals, no values, the perfect capitalists. They are purely economic units. Like I said above those that cannot be converted into useful idiots or cannon fodder can pretty easily be converted into mindless consumers. After all there may be blowback from being a useful idiots (generally by the cannon fodder) and from being cannon fodder (generally by the useful idiots). This may all seem a bit cynical as there are good people in each and every group. I’m just pointing out what those in power think of each and what use they have for them.


I point these out so you can make sure you don’t fall into any of the groups and can therefore remain free. I’m no advocating “fighting the power” or overcoming the system or any such nonsense. The system always wins, it’s been in place since the start of civilization. What you can do is free yourself from the system and live your life as a free man free from all the nonsense. You can’t fight the power but you can stop playing the game. You can’t save humanity but you can save yourself. Don’t play the game, don’t be a pawn.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge