You Do Diet & Exercise For Your Body But Do You Do These 2 Things For Your Mind?

I don’t think I have to sell you on the benefit, the essential nature of diet and exercise for the body. I think we all know that eating right and doing some form of exercise is essential to proper function and healthy living. Your body was made and designed to have good nutrient dense foods in it as well as exercise to keep it fit. Without these two things your body stops functioning properly and bad things start to happen.

And it’s not just physically either. As we know all things are connected. Your physical health is connected to your mental and connected to your spiritual, again all things are connected. So when you don’t eat right or don’t exercise and put things in your body that don’t belong there your mental health suffers as well. It’s no coincidence that obesity and mental health issues are both skyrocketing in the “developed” world.

I’m not saying obesity makes one mentally unstable, though there could be a correlation, rather I’m saying there is a correlation between poor physical health and poor mental health. And that they both connect with your spiritual health as well. Because of this many people are putting more and more interest in developing their physical health, which is great, and something that should be encouraged.

But if you stop there you’re missing a lot.

Roots Of The Mental Health Crisis & The Dulling Of The Mind

Many say that the reason mental health issues are skyrocketing is because we’re just starting to identify them. That these mental health issues have always been around and that the reason it looks like its skyrocketing is either because everything is considered a mental health issue now or that we’ve just learned the myriad ways that one’s mental health can go wrong, or a combination of the two. And while there’s definitely something to be said for that there’s more to the picture.

Much of the mental health issues we see comes from the crazy psychotic way of living we now adopt. We live against our nature, against our very spirits and we’re confused why things break down when we do that. The modern world is designed to crush you physically, mentally, and spiritually then numb you so much that you don’t even know your crushed so you’ll never fight back.

When we can move closer to natural healthy ways of living we take big steps towards correcting our mental health and developing sharp and ready minds with many different things. A good nutrient dense diet for one, our brain can’t work right without good food and clean water. Exercise, exercise has been shown to help essentially everything about being a human and shouldn’t be neglected. Staying away from mind altering and destroying drugs. And things like meditation work wonders.

But if we want a sharp and ready mind we need to go even further than that.

Do These 2 Things To Develop A Sharp & Ready Mind

What does it mean to have a sharp and ready mind? It means to have a mind that is perceptive, quick, and can see through falsities and see patterns. A mind that’ll serve you well in business, relationships, and life in general. A mind that’ll give you that critical edge you need to succeed and accomplish your goals. There really isn’t a facet of life where improved thinking and clearer thought aren’t going to help you.

And two of the best ways to do this are through reading and writing. Reading what and writing what you ask? Well just about anything for reading I’d recommend books fiction or non, so long as you’re reading it’s better than not reading. Likewise with writing write what you want, write a journal, a blog, or just write out questions that you have about the world around you and then try to answer them. Just read and write.

Here are just some of the benefits or reading and the benefits of writing but there’s a lot more. And you really need to do something yourself consistently for a decent period of time to get the true results from it. Sort of like working out, you wouldn’t expect your body to change in the first month working out. Which is exactly what you’re doing. Reading and writing is to the brain what diet and exercise are for the body.

And like diet and exercise they go beyond just affecting on aspect of your health and have benefits physical, mental, and spiritual.

Develop A Sharp & Ready Mind

Because you never know what the world is going to throw out you and there’s always more to learn out there. So adopt reading and writing just like you would diet and exercise. Even writing 10 minutes a day and reading a couple pages a day will go far to change your life. Set goals and make these two things part of your daily life and see how far that you go. You’ll surprise yourself with what you and your mind are capable of.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge