Why You Can’t Afford To Not Be Healthy

And I’m not just talking physically but mentally and spiritually as well. So a huge portion of my writing is sharing things that I’ve discovered in my own life that have helped me as well as things I’ve learned in coaching. Many of my articles are inspired by things I observe in day to day life or specific interactions with friends, those I coach, or just people in general.

And the more that I’ve been doing this this more dots I’ve been able to connect, the more of my own errors in thought and method I’ve been able to correct, and the more I’ve learned in total. Now for why this matters to you. The more I’ve learned the more I’ve seen that so many problems and issues that we see can be boiled down to a few key things and that when these key things are accounted for things go right and problems are solved (though not instantly it takes time.)

Essentially the 80/20 rule that we talk so much about. Where 80% of problems can be traced back to about 20% of sources and when those sources are accounted for most of those problems heal, resolve themselves, or vanish entirely. This is something I want to expand upon here but before we do that there are a couple of things we need to address. Some key concepts that make everything flow so much smoother.

2 Key Concepts

The first thing I want to talk about is the natural order and right living. We were all created to live in a certain way and live a certain life. For most of human history we have done so however recently in the modern world we have been able to completely go against this way of life and are experiencing a myriad of problems because of it. Obesity, depression, lack of connection, and so so much more.

Problems of the physical, mental, and spiritual that are widespread. Now don’t get me wrong human nature has always been human nature and things have never been perfect but we do live in a time where things are being exacerbated and getting worse. When we live in a way that is counter to the way our bodies, minds, and hearts were designed to to things do not go well.

For example living alone working a job you is not only bad for your physical health but also mental and spiritual. Eating frankenfoods, being stimulated by unnatural stimuli, and a million other things all work to take away the right living you were designed to experience. Resulting in diseases and maladies of the mind, body, and spirit.

Another concept that is important to grasp is that healing, re-balance, and eventually strengthening of all of these things take time. Time, effort, and of course patience but the rewards are more than worth it. The maldies and sicknesses of the modern world are many but the prescription works wonders. To be fully optimized and functioning physically, mentally, and spiritually truly is a great thing to be, to be a man in full instead of “living a life of quiet desperation.”

Fixing Your Mind, Body, & Soul

So as I’ve said before a lot of this has to do with habits meaning what we do with our day to day lives. Nothing new but important as the habits we cultivate determine a large portion of where we end up in life. Work out, read, and abstain from porn and masturbation (but not real women), and you’ll already be ahead of 95% of the population, not kidding. But let’s dig deeper into this.

Recently I was putting together a “master list” for a couple of clients on things that help to heal their mind body and soul. And that things when continued is with not only heal those things but eventually strengthen them to greater heights as well. To me its a three step process. First you heal, then you rebalance, and then you become stronger. With the things on the list you’ll get all three.

So here’s a break down of everything on the list that I have so far. I should note these help things like testosterone, brain health (like dopamine), and a million other things so there are many varied reasons to include them into your life. I should also note that this list isn’t comprehensive but a good start.

The list: Avoid porn, alcohol, nicotine, and drugs. Take cold showers. Go for a run. Do sprints. Lift weights/do calisthenics. Do a combat sport. Read a fiction story. Read non-fiction. Make artwork or something creative (draw, write, paint, etc.). Socialize with people. Eat plenty of protein. Get good sleep. Avoid sugar. Avoid social media, video games, and mindless internet browsing. Meditate. Be out doors/hike/camp. Avoid caffeine and other stimulants. Listen to classical/relaxing music. Get some sunlight. Avoid stress as much as possible. Eat healthy overall. Drink plenty of water. Write out daily list you want to get accomplished and check it off as you accomplish items on the list. Avoid TV. Don’t masturbate.

Why You Can’t Afford To Be Healthy

Again physically, mentally, and spiritually. Here’s the thing the world is only getting more and more unhealthy and you’re only going to see a rise of disorders physically, mentally, and spiritually. Honestly after working with men’s self-improvement for so long I think 95% of it could be boiled down to issues either with dopamine and testosterone. Fixing those two things by living a natural life would solve a huge portion of men’s problems.

Let me also state that it is not “normal” (meaning average) to be healthy (in any facet (physical, mental, spiritual) much less all three). However if you want to live with a fire flowing through you and be all that you were created to be then you cannot risk these things. Others may be able to but you will not. Everything starts with getting your day to day life on track. Things don’t start with some grand gesture but a little here and little there that eventually piles up and becomes something greater.

This is true for the good things as well as the bad. Start cultivating the good, just like you would with a garden. Eventually the good will take root and grow more and more and you’ll become more and more. You’ll become a man in full and live the life that you were created to live. The road is not easy but no road worth taking is. And as always I’ll be here to help you every step of the way.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge