Why Some People Have All Of The Success While You Struggle & How To Fix That

The non copywriting version of this title is The Art & Science Of Life and it’s something that I’ve been thinking about a lot more recently. It applies to pretty much every facet of life (and it’s very important to remember that all facets of life are connected). From making money to getting girls to whatever else is the common problem of the day what I’m about to talk about has a profound effect on.

But first I want to flesh out something that I haven’t always done the best of highlighting and that is the whole interconnectedness of life and how much easier it is to achieve any goal you have in life when you operate from a healthy “center” or “wholeness” if that makes sense (and hopefully even if it doesn’t right now it will very soon).

For example there’s the tried and true “how do I get girls?” question that every writer in the manosphere has been asked a billion times. Now there are guys who’ve never heard of the manosphere/red pill, ignore or completely violate half of its tenets and yet still have more women then they know what to do with and it’s not just because of fame or money (though obviously that is there as well for at least some of them).

The Centered Whole

And that’s generally because these guys are operating from a more centered whole. They like their life, they take of themselves, and their place in life is generally a good one. Therefore they attract many things into that life friends, money, and women being some of those things. And as we all know all of those things tend to have a snowball effect where the more you get the easier it is to get more. Sucks for the guy just starting out but awesome for the guy that’s been at it awhile.

What this means is that regardless of what your overall goal is whether it’s get lots of girls, make lots of money or something more specific and noteworthy like have a professional MMA fight to your name or get your first novel published or anything else like that. All of these goals are far more easily accomplished when you are operating from a centered whole. When you have a general sense of yourself and know you are finally on the path that you want to be.

Which obviously is far more easily said than done. The vast majority of people are nowhere near that and it takes a shit ton of work to get there (and that’s coming from a relatively healthy background) but that is what you should be working for because it helps everything else so much more. Money, women, or most other things aren’t going to give you the fulfillment that you seek. Being on the path that God (or whatever) designed for you is. The path your spirit calls out for. Maybe this sounds like the whole follow your bliss thing but it’s about far more than that.

The Art & Science Of Life

Which brings me to my next point and the original title of this piece. The art and science of life. With my new writings I hope to attract a much more focused and “evolved” set of readers who are ready to go beyond the whole make money/bang sloots/get ripped B.S. and into something more (and the something more ironically takes care of those others things far more than going after them on their own does). And embracing the art and science of life is part of that.

With any discipline whether its boxing, writing a novel, painting, dance, or anything else there is both an art and a science to it. The trouble with many males is that they neglect the art while declaring the science the only truth. However there needs to be a balance between the two. You start with the science the do X and not Y and the rules and then eventually once you get going you then bend and break those rules and create the art.

And then eventually the two blend seamlessly together creating something greater than either on its own. The blending of these two things at a high level creates beauty. Look at a Mike Tyson knockout compared to your average modern boxing match (try not to fall asleep) or a work of Frazetta compared to modern art (try not to puke). This isn’t to denigrate the boxers of course, much respect to them, (though it is the modern artists) its simply to state a point.

Embrace Both For Success

You need to embrace both the art and the science to truly succeed in life and live the life that you want. From a strong center that expresses yourself truly. You must be the artist and the scientist just like you must be both the warrior and the poet (another dichotomy I’d like to talk about more). But until next time think on this and then apply it to your life and living.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge