Why Culture Is One Of The Most Critical Factor To The Long Term Health Of A Society

I finally was able to put my finger on something I had been thinking about for a long time. You see I’ve lived quite a few places in my life from literally the inner city to small towns who’s total population was less than that of my high school. I’ve been around and been able to experience many different cultures and places. There was thing that was always confused me and I was finally able to figure it out. Let me explain.

When I was young I lived in a small relatively rural town (not like Deliverance style more like small town mid west style). I lived in a small cul-de-sac that had 7 houses that was part of a larger neighborhood. And in this small cul-de-sac there was probably 9 girls who were 7-9’s on a general scale. And this was true through large parts of the community. I eventually moved away from this town to a much larger city (but not city like Detroit or Nashville) far away from the small town.

There I went to a high school of about 2,200 kids (about 1/3 the size of the small town I was living in) and yet there was probably about 10-15 girls who were anywhere close to the ones from the small town in terms of attractiveness (and they were way nastier in their demeanor). And the town I lived in had a population that was 20 times (literally) the size of the small town.

And yet like I said the small town was stacked with feminine beauty and the much larger down was bereft of it. Now you’re probably wondering why I’m making a big deal out of this and what it has to do with you. Well here’s the thing while this may seem like a small deal (and it is, well unless your a teenage boy in which case you saw it as a tragedy) it’s indicative of something far more important.

Why Was This?

For a long time I wondered why this was. The demographics of the town were certainly different. The small town being literally over 95% white and my new “city” being about 65% white. Now granted I have a overall preference from girls who look like me over those that do not (though there are attractive women of all types) this didn’t explain it. Not to mention with the population discrepancies there would be far more girls who look like me in the “city” anyways.

Also the girls who were the most attractive around my new “city” were girls of hispanic decent (which was a sizable population). These were things I realized but really didn’t connect with anything. Something else when I moved to the “city” was I had a harder time making friends. Not that I wasn’t popular it was just that 99% of the guys I hung out with could have gotten ran over by a bus and I would have cared less. Whereas with my friends in the small town I would have beat the bus driver to death.

It’s hard to explain but the vast majority of the guys in the new “city” just didn’t have the heart or soul of the guys from the small town (I’ll explain more what this means below). I was really “bored” in this new setting and felt lackluster and out of place. Again not because I was weird, I just felt like those around me were not like me. They were weaker (yet far more likely to jump you or use a weapon on you) and lacking something that I couldn’t place my finger on.

The Criticality Of Culture

Eventually I was able to piece things together. I was able to figure out why a small town could produce babe after babe and a mid sized city produced nothing but duds for the most part. It was the culture. Let me explain. In the small town I grew up in men were men and women were women. The men fought, hunted, played football, hung out with their dads and brothers, raced cars, rode motorcycles, 4-wheeled, rode dirtbikes, played every sport they could, and being seen as effeminate was worse than death.

Allowances were made for boys being boys and masculinity was seen as something healthy and to be cultivated. And the girls loved being girls. They’d spend their time talking on the phone with each other about the boys they liked, getting tans, buying clothes to look good, doing their nails and makeup, gossiping, and so on and so forth. And this was seen as well and good.

If a girl started to gain weight her parents would usually say something to her about it. Likewise if a guy was weak or inactive his parents would generally say something to him about it (not just parents but the community as a whole had certain expectations). Now flash forward to my new “city”.

While in no way, shape, or form was it a progressive hellhole like say San Fran or somewhere like that it was still a huge difference. Sure things like transgenderism and farther things were still seen as weird there but the culture as a whole was far more permissive. Again most people living there probably considered it a more traditional or “conservative” place and by political votes alone it probably was but as you’ll see that doesn’t really mean much.

There was far more androgyny. And a lot of lesbianism for a place that size as well. The two certainly go hand in hand. The males were overall weaker and the females less beautiful. The whites of the area were certainly not the dominant ones. While the hispanic and black cultures of that area enforced typical gender roles the whites were far more permissive. Leading to weak white boys and ugly white girls. Were their exceptions? Of course I’m just talking about the overall trend.

Culture, Polarity, & Balance

Now this is already running long but you can probably see the long term implications of all of this. As the Satanic virus that spreads reversing God’s order making males into females and females into males it leads to the destruction and weakening of cultures. Cultures that make males females and females male will eventually be conquered and destroyed by cultures that do not.

The strength of the male’s will bring out the beauty of the female’s in a culture. And the wise of the culture will ensure that both are maximized. As there is no stronger pull overall for the males of a culture then attractive females and likewise there is no greater incentive for females to be attractive than having strong males around. These two are yin and yang they push and drive each other creating the highest cultures and societies.

Strength and beauty, masculinity and femininity, this polarity is essential and brings about a healthy balance. I by no means mean to make this a race thing but felt the mentioning of them was pertinent to getting my point across.

Something I want to dive more into is the creating and fostering of a masculine culture (where all the other good things stem from). And why this is so critical. You see it’s far beyond chicks being hot, it’s about the survival of a tribe or people. Nor is this to say that this is all that matters or that if you just take care of this everything is fine.

No, this is simply a start and a smart direction to head in. There is still plenty more there and I’m not saying the small town (or the women/men in it) were by any means perfect or anything like that. Again these are just some general observations about the trend of things and the significance of those trends. Nothing more and nothing less. I hope you enjoyed and hope that this is a topic that interests you.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge