When The Lions Fade, The Hyenas Rise

The “survival” category of this site is one that I’ve been sadly neglecting, for a couple of different reasons. At first the reason I ignored as in an effort to bring more traffic to the site. For every article I wrote about survival I could get literally twenty to thirty times the traffic through writing an article in the “attraction” section of the site. So at first it just made sense to focus on other things more.

Then at other times there were different areas that I felt like I needed to focus on. For a time it was masculinity, then after that wealth, then even hacks for a short period, and now it’s more of an even distribution (with the exception of survival). However I knew that there would be a time when survival would come back to the fore and become the main focus of the site, at least for a period of time.

And while that time isn’t quite here yet I do feel it coming soon. As of writing this there are 1,158 articles on the site (give or take a few depending on scheduling changes) and 20 of those are survival ones. Like I said something that’s going to change, especially as this area becomes more and more important. I’m not one of those end of the world preppers or alarmist but things are certainly becoming more and more unstable in the West and sometime (who knows when) a tipping point will be reached.

And it’s be wise to have a basic understanding of how to survive such times and matters before then. Here I want to point out something that has to do both with culture and survival (the two are linked in a way). So let’s get into this.

The Food Chain & You

I wrote a post a long time ago talking about a hierachy of sorts dealing with survivability and such outlining three classes of people. Essentially you have prey, predators, and alpha predators. An oversimplification but it gave the general gist of an idea. To put it concretely say you’re average suburb dweller would be prey, your average inner city male would be predator, and your average special forces soldier would be alpha predator. I think you get the general idea of this.

In it I wanted to get across to people in the prey category that while you don’t have to become an alpha predator (and thank goodness because that’s not possible for all) that you should at the very least get to the point where you can tangle with the predators and be okay. Not some tough guy posturing but having the knowledge and skill to put odds in your favor, and on another note yes toughness does have a role to play in this.

It’s much easier to intimidate a individual from the suburbs then from a working class neighborhood. Hard work tends to scrub the pussy out of people. And this was a concept I thought about recently from going about the city where I’m living at the moment. I was looking at those that felt that they “ran” certain sections but were really not very big threats. A small team could easily wipe them out yet they felt they had the right to intimidate and push around those around them.

Going around your city and watching the interactions of people from different groups if a very interesting and enlightening sociological experiment to say the least. It was amazing to me how so few weak predators could run so large a space simply because of lack of resistance. Granted the media and legal system of our day empowers the predators while punishing the prey for defending itself but still an interesting observation.

No Lions Equals More Hyenas

And it got me thinking if this would happen in time X or place Y. What factors contributed to this and how did this come about? One thing (and this seems to be a source of almost all problems we see now a days) is weakness. Weakness is pretty much always exploited unless you have men who are both strong AND good (and wise on top of that). Many of those people expect others to protect them and take care of them when that’s just not going to happen.

Humans are unique in that, at least in the modern age, they can effect where they end up on the food chain. They can make a choice to stay a zebra, half evolve half devolve into a hyena, or put in the time and effort it takes to become a lion. And this world sorely needs lions, more now than perhaps ever before. And if you’re someone who enjoys good things in life (your children going to school safe, your wife going to the store safe, so on and so forth) then it is lions that are needed.

And this isn’t something that can be outsourced. So for a moment I’ll take the state out of the equation, but the predators themselves aren’t invulnerable badasses so much as one it’s human nature to be such a way and two there’s nothing and no one to oppose them. Sort of like the kid who’s slightly bigger than the rest can pick on them if none of them ever step up to him. It’s not that he’s a badass it’s just that’s he’s doesn’t have opposition.

Become A Lion

Obviously there are more complex factors involved then this alone but it’s something to think about. Like I’ve said in about a hundred other places, weakness is always punished. Good things do not come about because of stupid fairy tale things like “rights” or “the goodness of man” or anything of that matter. They come from who has the force to make it so, nothing more and nothing less. That’s not to say other things can’t go on top of that (customs, moral systems, etc.) but that without that underlying foundation they’re just suggestions.

And if you ever look out your window and wonder how things got the way that they are then know that when the lions fade the hyenas rise. Not the zebras. The power vacuum is always filled and in this case not by anything pleasant. When you see someone who while weak is above the level of the average prey and wonder at the trouble they can cause know that it’s because lions are no longer here. And that’s a problem because lions get things done and allow for good things to take place. And I’m guessing you like good things.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge