Members Only Post #123 – Preparing For Harsh Realities

Preppers have always seemed to have a bad name when it comes to the mainstream media. You know those guys who build bomb shelters, store a bunch of canned goods, and get ready for the end of the world and all that. Now while there are certainly aspects of the community that are ridiculous and individual preppers who are nuts, I think there’s a lot to be said for being a “prepper”. At least in a certain sense.

So first no I’m not saying you need a bunker or that you should store a bunch of canned beans or anything like that. Although having some basic survival gear and training could certainly benefit everyone. What I’m talking about here is preparing for harsh realities, realities that have a way of intruding on people no matter how safe they think they are.

We’re seeing a lot of shifting and changing the world around us. Many are clinging to old ways of thinking that just don’t work in the real world. Harsh realities are coming out more and more and they aren’t pretty. They aren’t pretty because human nature isn’t pretty, humans are pretty, and this world we live in while beautiful in places is also incredibly harsh and deadly.

What To Look Out For

I’ve told people for a while now that I think they should leave the city. I think as countries collapse cities will be places of more and more violence and become less and less safe. Especially if you live a regular suburban life or are the minority in whatever city you reside in. When things go dark, and they always do from time to time, you’re not going to want to be there. At least have a place to escape too for awhile.

A small plot of land, a run down cabin, even a trailer or an RV at this point. Because unless you live in a gated mansion and are politically connected, you’re not going to have protection. I’ve also pointed out that for those who are able it’s probably better to get away from places like the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and France and go elsewhere. I’m not saying that the end of the world or the “great collapse” is coming.

I just think if you want to best chance at a happy and healthy life these are not the best places to do it in. These are not the places that are most conducive to those goals, same with most major Western cities. Have a place to get away too, even if small, even if remote, even if not your favorite place in the world. Have a way to get out and escape if need be. Even if just for peace of mind.

What It Takes To Survive In The Modern World

With all that being said there are threats and things one to has to reckon with no matter where they go. While “prepper” type knowledge is well and good there are other things I think you should learn. First off if you live in the states and your state allows it you should get a concealed carry permit and then learn how to use and operate your firearm. Don’t just get it and let it sit there. Use it. Fire it. Reload it. Clean it. Take it apart and put it back together. Fix it when it jams. Learn to point shoot. And more.

Be familiar with the thing. The first time you fire it I really hope will not be in a self-defense situation because that often doesn’t go well. But even more than that just be aware of what’s going on around you. Awareness is the number one thing. Understand trends, patterns, and the like. Of human behavior as well as how the world around you is going. The West is changing rapidly right now and knowledge of human nature will never steer you wrong.

If you want some basics of this then check out the YouTube channel Active Self-Protection and read Marc MacYoung’s Beyond The Picket Fence.

Both will you ahead of 80% of people out there…which isn’t saying much, but it’s something.

Better To Be Prepared

When taken in context I think everyone should be a “prepper”. Be prepared for what might come, don’t be obsessive about it, and don’t let it prevent you from living life, but at the same time understand just what an awful world it is we live in and understand just how awful and evil the average person and human nature is. Don’t live in the bubble. That’s a dangerous place to live.

Understand there are differences in people and those differences can lead to conflict. Understand for example that if you’re a woman you’re more vulnerable and have to be more aware of your surroundings. Understand if you’re the minority race/culture/religion in your area that you should also be more wary. And so on and so forth. These truths might be politically incorrect but they could also save your life.

Just be wise, and keep your eyes open, it’s a dangerous world out there.

Charles Sledge