What’s Worth Dying For?

As you go through life a question that you may find asking yourself (more than once) is what is life worth living for? I know this is a question I’ve asked myself many times and at certain comes couldn’t find an answer which led to some dark paths that we won’t get into at the moment. Man needs something to keep him going, something that gets him to wake up every morning and face the day.

And often the answers that society gives never lead anywhere fulfilling. You could bang thousands of girls, make millions of dollars, be super famous, have great career success, and a million other things and still end up one day with the cold barrel of a gun pressed against your temple or bottom of your jaw wondering if you should pull the trigger. It always makes me shake my head when people see some “successful” person for example a celebrity and see that they killed themselves and think “Well how could they do that, they had everything.”

When in fact they probably just found out that what many consider everything is in fact nothing. When I look back at all the stuff I write about making money, getting girls, getting ripped, and having success as much as I know that that is a part of life, I fear for how many let those things consume them completely (which ironically makes those things harder to achieve in many ways). Knowing that they’ll end up somewhere they don’t necessarily want to be.

Living & Dying Well

So it pays to find out for yourself what is worth living for, and strive very hard for an answer for as Nietzsche said “He who has a why to live can bare almost any how.” and if possible I don’t want others to end up like me having accomplished what most would consider “success” and then thinking…okay what was that worth?

Now the best way to figure out what is worth living for is a bit paradoxical in nature. Because the best way to figure out what is worth living for is to figure out what is worth dying for. And this is a tricky question. One that I can’t tell you an exact answer to. I can’t say “This is exactly what will be worth dying for for you.” as that will be different for everyone.

But I do know that it will most likely have to do with love. Now I guess I should define love and “love” means many different things to different people. I don’t mean throwing yourself away for romantic love like some sap or anything like that. By love I mean something deep. One can have love for their family, love for a brother, love for themselves, love for an ideal, and so on and so forth.

What Does Love Have To Do With It

Again like I said when I speak of love I speak of something very different than what society talks about when they talk about “love”. I’m talking about something deeper. And as I’ve said one hundred times on here it most likely isn’t going to be making X amount of dollars (not that money isn’t important), banging X amount of women or a certain woman (not that it’s not fun), or that it’ll be getting X amount of fame or “success”.

What it is going to be, I can’t tell you. That’s for you to figure out on your own. I know, not the most helpful of hints but it’s true nevertheless. And this is one hundred million times more important than “10 ways to make bank/bang that bar girl/get super ripped abz” and so on and so forth. So take the time and start to think about this.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge