Uniting Your Dream & Day

If you haven’t yet read The Book of Pook I’d highly recommend that you pick up a copy. It’s one of the best “red pill/manosphere”  books I’ve ever read that contains the true essence of what the movement was created for. It’s been awhile since I read it but its concepts still stick with me and I’ve thought of giving it another read through and doing a review but we’ll see as I got a lot on my plate. Anyways one of the biggest concepts that I took away from Pook’s work was uniting your dream and day. Pook was well versed in the classics which made his work stand out and hit on timeless concepts very well.

Here’s an excerpt from the book explaining uniting dream and day, it’s flowery but the point is right on. Like I said Pook has some very deep wisdom that he shared in his own unique way. So let’s break down what this is and what it means for you and I. The absolute most basic way to say unite dream and day would be to live your dreams out. Meaning that what is inside your head takes shape in the real world through the power and application of your will. Yes, there’s more to it than that but that’s a good basic definition and a starting point for the concept.

Put Your Mission First

So nothing new here and something I’ve said before in many different ways. But to recap you want to put your mission in life (your dream) before women or other things in your life. What your mission is, is going to be different for different people as we all have unique souls with unique songs in them. But whatever it is, the goal is to bring your mission into reality as much as possible. To create the life you have visualized in your head into the real world through whatever means possible. To unite your dreams and reality and thereby unite dream and day. This takes hard work, grit, focus, and many other things.

Men who don’t put their mission first never unite dream and day. This is why so many guys who put women first (whether getting laid or being in a relationship with a particular girl) can’t get laid or lose the girl that they made their focus. It was never a woman’s/women’s place to be the focus. Essentially build it and they will come is how it works with women (does not work that way with business at all as a side note). But even regardless of that putting your mission first is how your life will work properly.

Unite Dream & Day, Unite Talk & Walk

Thankfully thanks to technology there has been an explosion in information (including information that the controllers wouldn’t want you to see or know about) that has resulted in a spread of knowledge unlike anything before. Now at first you would think that this spread of knowledge would result in a bunch of crazy badasses living every facet of their life to the fullest everywhere you look right? After all you have all the information you could ever want about getting in shape, building a business, fighting, women, philosophy, and anything else right at your fingertips. Sure there’s a lot of crap as well but you quickly learn to sort through to the good stuff.

Yet we don’t see this, sure there has been an overall improvement as well as the start of much needed changes but there should be more. And this is because it’s incredibly different to think the right thoughts or say the right words and actually taking the right action. Every man knows getting in shape will benefit him yet how many are working out or watching what they eat? Every man knows money is needed to make his dreams true in this world yet how many study entrepreneurship or how money is made? Every man knows violence is part of this world yet how many train for it? And so on and so forth.

Create A World Of Your Own

Not just a vision, sure having a vision is the first step. But for every thousand men that have a grand vision only one will get anywhere close to actually creating it (and for every man that has a vision there’s ten thousand that don’t). Put your mission first and start walking the walk and other things will fall into place. Live your “truth” (I really hate using that word because of it’s association but I think you get what I’m talking about). Live the song that is in your soul and bring it out into the world through the effort of your will. To do this it’s not enough to have right thought or right words.

But you must take the right actions that will bring about the right results. Your walk much match your thoughts and words, the outside must match the inside. And slowly but surely through efforts of your will your bring the vision of your mind and soul into the world and you will unite your dream and day. I should note that this isn’t something that ever stops it’s rather a way to live. Work every day to unite your dream and day and live the song of your soul out in this world. Also remember you dream is unique to you, not what others/society says your dream should be.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge