The Truth About The “Numbers Game” PUA’s Don’t Want You To Know

So I know a lot of guys have been convinced that the key to “getting girls” is just playing with numbers. Essentially approach 100 girls and maybe one of them will give you their number. Approach 1,000 and maybe one will sleep with you. Approach 10,000 and maybe one will date you and so on and so forth. However this is so ass backwards that I don’t even know where to begin.

So first things first let’s get the technicalities out of the way. So technically yes dating/sleeping with women is in a way a numbers game. After all not every girl is going to like you and the more you interact with the higher your chances of getting what you want from the relationship. That’s a fact. However it’s the interpretation of this fact that leads so many men astray. Which as a side note is true of so much PUA stuff.

For example I read Mysteries book and thought the underlying philosophy and science was actually really spot on and something I agreed with (leaving me wondering how on earth the PUA set was so weird) but then I got to the application parts of the book and was like “Oh…that’s how.”. Here’s the fact of the matter you could approach 1000 women and not have one of them want to date/sleep with you or you could approach a single woman and have 5 want to date/sleep with you. Allow me to explain.

It’s Not The Numbers Son

At least not in way that you think. So many guys focus on approaching X number of women, getting X number of numbers (haha), and so on and so forth. However this completely ignores the things that are actually important. Namely these two. Number one: are you actually an attractive man who a woman would want to sleep with and/or date? Do you have value? and number two: is the woman you’re interacting with actually interested in you (or is she wasting time/can’t get away from you)?

Look the fact of the matter is you could be Stud Lee McStudface and there are going to be women who aren’t interested in you, likewise you could be Average McNotspecial and there are women out there who’d love to hop on your jock, just saying. So it’s really about two things. Maximizing your attractiveness (not by being neurotic nerd who focuses on dumb shit like face symmetry but rather like working out, having interests, dressing nice, and so on and so forth) and finding women who are actually interested in you in a sexual way (and not just giving you a number to get you to fuck off or because they’re bored and figure if absolutely nothing better comes along in their life they can call you and waste your time for some validation.)

It’s not about getting X amount of numbers or doing X amount of approaches it is about the two things in the previous paragraph. Being an attractive man as much as you can and (perhaps more importantly) finding women who are attracted to you. Do this by eye contact, smiling, and you know talking to them like a human being. You’ll be amazed how this works. Better than any 99.99$ e-course or PUA special out there.

The Not Stupid Way

AKA the non lame ass PUA way. Focus on living the life that you want to live. Work out, read books, dress nice, have hobbies, be an interesting person, and the women will come. It’s like the difference between trying to catch mosquitoes at night and having a giant ass stadium light you turn on. Which way do you think is going to be more effective?

Instead of trying to catch things that would resent being caught by you be the thing that they all flock to. Then find out which ones that are interested in you and that you are also interested in. Simple as that. People have been doing this since the beginning of time it took a bunch of modernists nerds from Cali to make it so overly complicated and ineffective.

So again, don’t worry about approaches, numbers, venue changes, spiking emotions, or any of that overly complicated nonsense. Instead focus on being an attractive man who has his shit together, smiling and making eye contact, and then finding women who are actually sexually attracted to you and letting nature take its course from there. Again this should be simple and flow easily, like going to the bathroom or pulling your hand away from a hot stove, it’s natural.

No need for spreadsheets or convoluted theories. So dump that spam approaching and PUA nonsense and focus on being an attractive man who has his life together and finding women who are attracted to you. Focus on your hobbies, job, and all of that and the women will come in more abundance than you know what to do with. Not trolling bars every night in the desperate hope to take home some club skank that went home with you because there wasn’t a better option.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge