The Top 3 Biggest Benefits I Noticed From Quitting Porn

So it’s been some time since I’ve cut out porn from my life and even when using it was never chronic with it but with that being said there were some unique benefits that I noticed and want to share with you. No ways about it porn has a huge effect on your brain and how you act and see the world as well as how you interact with that world. And even if porn isn’t a “huge issue” for you it’s still something that better to cut out of your life. It does not help you become the legend and the man that you were born to become.

It cuts into not only your time but your masculine energy and more, things that I’ve talked about plenty of times before so I want reiterate here. No matter what way you slice it porn is not something that is in your best interest and is a waste of your time and energy. So when I cut it out I wasn’t chronic with it but still experienced some big benefits so if you’re someone who is chronic with it just think about all the great things that are waiting for when you get it out of your life. And if you’re a guy who thinks its “not a problem” then this is for you too because even with a little use it had an effect. Now let’s talk about the benefits.

Benefit Of Quitting Porn #1 – More “Aggressive”

I’m not sure if aggressive is necessarily the right word here because it was a controlled confident aggression not one that stemmed from weakness and fear. Assertive might be a better word overall but you get the point. The thing was it wasn’t like I was mousy or anything before this but I became even more assertive/aggressive when I cut it out. Like I’ve said porn is a numbing agent that numbs you from your masculine essence and who you are as a man. So even though I wasn’t mousy or weak I was still farther from my masculine core than I could have been. And with guys who use this poison (which is exactly what it is) chronically I’ve seen this heightened to extreme levels.

I think porn is a huge reason many guys are so lost nowadays and separated from their masculine core and energy. I also found I was more confident and more expressive of who I was. A good way of putting it is I went from being 90% me to 100% me. I became much more of who and what I was. I was expressing more of my heart, being, and masculine energy. Again it wasn’t like I was hanging out in the background before but I became even more assertive, forward, bold, and aggressive. Because I wasn’t strangling some part of my masculine energy to porn. And as a side note expending that energy with real women is completely different from expending it on pixels both from a neural and a physical aspect.

Benefit Of Quitting Porn #2 – Noticed Natural Beauty More

I also started to notice natural beauty more. Now by natural beauty I don’t mean I started thinking ugly or fat chicks were hot or that I stopped being attracted to long blonde hair, tan skin, and big tits but rather that I just noticed more nuances and such. And this goes beyond women. I noticed more in the world around me from things like nature, to people, and of course women. Again it wasn’t like I was living in my head before but the sharpness of my perception increased by a bit. Again I’d say it went from a 90% to 100%. Had I been using chronically I’m sure these results would have been a mind blowing difference instead of a “Hey, this is pretty nice”.

Combine these two and obviously I started talking to a lot more girls, even if just interacting. I was doing fine with women before but this brought it to another level. It increased both my desire for real women in my day to day life and my appreciation of natural beauty and things. I think a good way of putting it would be like going from one resolution to the next one up. So say from like 480p to 720p or something like that (I know very little about resolutions but you get the point). Overall you go through life less numb and more “in tune” with yourself and the world and people around you.

Benefit Of Quitting Porn #3 – More In Control

Most things are connected. Cutting out porn helped me to be more disciplined with my diet and training as well as helped me cut out things like alcohol and tobacco from my life. Overall I felt more in control of myself and my life. Which makes sense as porn works on addiction pathways that by their very nature are intended to take control away from you. When you cut them out it’s not wonder that you feel more in control. And this applied to nearly everything in my life. I talked about training and diet but it went beyond that. I was more in control of my overall emotional state as well as my body as weird as that might sound.

I said no more when I meant it and said yes more when I meant it. Again overall more in control in every area of my life. I’ve heard similar statements from anyone who has cut out something they didn’t want in their life but were having trouble cutting out because of its nature. It could have been booze, weed, porn, or even a girl that was nothing but trouble. When you overcome it and cut it out, it gives you a good feeling. I really hate to use this word because of it’s connotation but it gives you an “empowering” feeling. After all it’s a victory. Obviously being more in control is going to help you with every facet of your life.

What To Do

I know quitting porn isn’t always the easiest thing especially for those that have been chronically using for some time. But the rewards are well worth it and anything you can do to “sell” yourself on the benefit of disconnecting from that poison is going to work in your favor. However I know that it’s not that simple to just quit so here’s what I’ve been recommending to guys with pretty good success (in addition to studying and learning about all of the negative effects of porn). So the overall goal is to get off porn and realize the less time you spend watching porn the better off you’ll be.

So even if you go from watching it twice a week to once a week that’s an improvement. I’d recommend trying to go cold turkey but not beating yourself up if you use it every now and then. As long as the total time is going down you’re moving in the right direction. But anyways my “plan” that I’ve been giving out and has been helping some guys.

The biggest thing I recommend lifting weights and joining a combat sport. This accomplishes a lot of different things I don’t have space to go into here. Next I recommend reading non-fiction books on the negative effects of porn and educating yourself about why you want to cut it out. Start here. And then finally whenever you go out dress nice and smile and make eye contact with every attractive girl you come across. Interact with real women as much as possible, even if it’s just talking. When you find one that is interested (won’t be long if you’re doing everything I recommend) ask her out. And keep doing that until porn is a distant memory.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge