Beware The Numbing Agents

I know a lot of guys wonder why I make such a big deal out of things like weed and porn and how they have no place in a man’s life (especially porn). They’ll say “I’m not addicted so what’s the harm?” and even when this is the truth (which it often isn’t) the point still stands. One of the most dangerous things to emanate from the modern world is what I’ll refer to as the numbing agents. Porn, weed, and other things that are meant to dull your body, mind, and spirit. But first let’s address that “It might be a problem for other people but not for me” crowd.

So I get having fun, there are times I’ll drink (when I’m with buddies and having a good time, never alone and never when I’m pissed or sad about something) and I’ll smoke some reds or cigars from time to time as well as dip (again all with buddies when we’re really going all out never just to pass the time (okay I do dip when hunting but not every day obviously). And if you use weed this way (though seems boring as fuck to me) then I’m not going to make that big of deal of it. Porn has no place but weed alright I’ll make a small concession there but (and this is a big but).

Numbing Habits Leads To Regret Of A Life Never Lived

When you make these numbing agents habits is when we have a problem, a big problem. Now you may say again “Hey I’m not addicted I just do it to relieve some stress from time to time, so it’s no big deal…right?” Wrong. To become the strongest man that you can be you need to live your life in a way that’s going to lead to that. And making a habit of porn, weed, video games, or any other numbing agent is no way to do this. Every second spent on a video game, weed, or worst of all pornography is a second that could have been spent…

Lifting weights, hitting the bag, hitting the mat, reading a good book, bonding with brothers, writing your masterpiece, marketing your business, fucking a real live woman (like with tits and everything). So what if you’re not addicted to the numbing agent or “you can quit anytime” even if both those statements are true that doesn’t mean that the numbing agent isn’t taking away from your life and destroying your potential as a man.

Dulls Your Mind, Body, & Spirit

The big thing about numbing agents is that they’re more often than not a cheap replacement for something real. Porn for real women. Video games for life accomplishment and self-development. Weed for relaxation. And so on and so forth. Meaning that when you get those things right it becomes very easy to get rid of the numbing agents in your life, at least in theory. Obviously in practice things are a little more complicated than that.

But the point still remains. These numbing agents are insidious and dangerous not just because they take you away from self-development and sharpening activities but also because they numb you from yourself. They numb you physically, spiritually, and mentally until you become a shell of what you were destined to be. A weak pathetic excuse for a man and your true potential. Taking part in numbing agents slows your senses, quashes the fire in your soul, and dulls your claws and fangs.

Comfort Is The Enemy

Never forget that comfort is the enemy. Comfort comes like a thief in the night to kill and destroy your potential. Embracing comfort is embracing the death of your soul, legacy, and legend. Anything that numbs you works to destroy you. You must go through life with your eyes wide open, your soul filled with fire, and your body ready for war. Drop the numbing agents and go and fulfill your destiny and become a legend and the man who you were destined to be.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge