The Importance Of Total Life Balance

The vast majority of traffic I get to this site is guys who want to get better with women and have the sex life that they want, something that I’ve lamented before. The reason being the reason that so many of these guys aren’t having the sex life that they want is because they’re endlessly focused on getting laid as opposed to becoming an attractive man and building the life that they want. They think that with a couple of game secrets suddenly they’ll be pulling the same girls that guys with their lives together do.

But that just isn’t going to happen no matter what Raindrop or any other nerd says. Plus having sex with lots of women isn’t going to fulfill you. Sure it’s going to be part of a guy’s best life (that or good sex with one or a few selected women) but it’s such a side thing that it shouldn’t be focused on. It sort of reminds me of guys focusing endlessly on their bicep peak and doing a bunch of concentration curls when they can’t even do a pullup. Get what I’m saying?

Striving For Total Life Balance

Instead what these guys should be doing is striving towards what I’d call total life balance. Where every part of your life is balanced and brought to the full. Wealth, relationships, and health is just the start, there is more to life than that. One must take care of themselves physically, mentally, and spiritually and develop all of those aspects to the foremost. Which is why I recommend things like weight training/fighting for physical development, reading both fiction and non-fiction books for mental development, and getting off things like weed and porn as well as spending time disconnected in nature for spiritual development.

But it’s more than just that as well. Truth be told it’s something that is far too complicated and unique to fully explain here as it’s going to have to do with your unique soul. Some people feel completely fulfilled working a job that has them out in the wilds. I know a guy that is some version of a marine biologist and spends his time hunting and fishing for work. He’s been offered a much bigger salary many times to “move up” to an office job at the capital and each time he refuses. To him that would be absolutely insane. Miss out and boating and four wheeling around to push papers for a few more shekels? No thanks.

That’s because he’s focused on total life balance. He’s not obsessing with money or any one other thing but looking at the big picture. I also know plenty of guys who have went with the bigger pay option and spend 40 hours of their week killing their soul for a few more dollars and hating every second of it. Some do it because it’s what their wives want (showing a lack of masculine leadership), some do because they think its the right decision, and others do it because money is their god.

Hit The Big & The Little Takes Care Of Itself

Having a good sex life honestly is more a byproduct of being the man you want to be than it is anything else. That’ll do more for you than any line, tactic, or whatever else. Also realize that there’s so much to life and so many areas to develop in and strengthen. Hit the big things that we’re talking about here and the little things (like “getting girls” or whatever) largely take care of themselves.

Focus on developing yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually. Focus on becoming the man that you feel deep down in your soul that you were meant to be. That’s what it’s all about and everything else tends to fall into place when that’s what you focus on.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge