Stress Management – Effect of Music on the Human Stress Response (Sage Music)

This is a guest post from Curtis Dean of Sage Music. In it he talks about how music can be used to help reduce stress. Enjoy.

If there is one thing that people will never be able to avoid as they live and survive, it would be stress. There are a lot of reasons why we experience anxiety, stress and all other negative feelings. Even children are not immune to stress. As they continually live and face the challenges they face every day, they are also exposed to some factors that may cause stress. As adults, we have different responsibilities and there are a lot of disappointments that may lead to the feeling of stress.

As human beings, we are naturally inclined to the goal of eliminating stress. We have our own ways to deal with this issue and get back to our naturally relaxed state at the end of the day. One common way for people to deal with stress is by listening to music. No matter where you are, what you are doing and even if you are alone, listening to music can be beneficial for you.

Music’s Surprising Effects on Stress

There are surprising effects that music can provide to lessen stress. Here are some of the different ways of how music can help enhance your ability to respond to stress:

  • Reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol

Studies have proven that listening to music can actually effectively lessen the level of cortisol in the body. This specific stress hormone is the one that adds up to the feeling of anxiety and stress. As you listen to music, your brainwave also speeds up. With this, it is able to produce the brain activity needed for the mind and body to therapeutically achieve its relaxed state.

  • Making music can reduce burnout and improve mood

One of the different reasons why even adults are encouraged to learn music lessons is the positive effect it can bring to your emotional state. There will be days when burnout is inevitable because of the different things you encounter every day. If you are working with the same company for a long time and you have been doing the same thing, it would be expected for you to feel burned out. For some people, they become irritated and they experience mood swings. If you are in this stage in your life, you should consider learning how to play a musical instrument and exploring the other benefits that music can give you.

  • Reduce overload of impressions from our brains and become more focused and present

There are a lot of times when your brain experiences overload because of the thoughts you feed it. You start your day thinking of the things that you need to do and before you sleep, you even think of the worries you will be facing the next day. This is one of the reasons why you usually wake up feeling stressed and mentally tired. This mental overload is one of the reasons why you can easily be affected by stress. Instead of over-thinking before you sleep, why don’t you listen to some relaxing music? This way, you will be able to wake up with a clear mind and you will also be able to focus.

  • Reduces emotional distress and boosts quality of life

Music lessons can be very helpful in reducing emotional distress. As human beings, we have the tendency to focus on the negative part of life and experience emotional distress. This will not only make you feel bad the whole day but it can also affect the quality of your life as a whole. If you want to reduce the emotional stress that you are feeling, you can do things that can lighten up the load. You can consider listening to the music of learning to play any instrument. This way, you will be able to do something relaxing and be productive on your break time. Music has a way of improving your emotions and your mental status. With this, it can have a domino effect on the quality of your life.

  • Listening to music on headphones reduces stress and anxiety

Whether you’re working on something or you are thinking about a certain problem, you can actually let music just play on the background and you will surely feel better afterward. With your headphones on, you will be able to distract your mind and you will still be productive. It has been proven that listening to music can reduce stress and anxiety. It can help you relax your mind and it can also make your brain activity stable. This way, it will be easier for you to go on with the day and do your tasks.

  • Reduce both the sensation and distress of both chronic pain and postoperative pain

Music therapy is one of the most effective techniques that are being used for people who are experiencing chronic pain and postoperative pain. People who are experiencing chronic diseases like cancer have the tendency to be exposed to stress because of the pain that they are constantly experiencing. With music, it is easier for them to go through the day because as they listen, their brains are also being distracted. People who are trying to heal from an accident or those who had undergone surgery can also benefit from music.

Aside from the different things enumerated above, there are other benefits that music can provide. Aside from enjoying other people’s music, you can also try to level up a bit. There are different ways on how you can enjoy music and one way is to learn to play. It doesn’t matter if you are a kid, a teenager or a busy adult. As long as you have the proper attitude and you feel excited about playing your own music, you can always learn some music lessons.

If you want to break the monotony and have a more creative lifestyle, you can consider joining a band or just become a solo performer if you want. If you have some basic background on music theory and you can play your favourite instrument, you will also have a great chance to join other talented individuals. Everyone can learn music. All you need to do is to choose and to prepare your heart and mind. You do not have to be a full-time musician. There are a lot of people who are very busy with their careers who would testify that learning music has helped them learn to focus. With music, you will not only learn the basics of hand and mind coordination but you will also become a more confident person. Enhance your brain activities and challenge yourself now by learning to play music.

Charles Sledge