Sales As The Ultimate Backup Plan

We all have dreams, some that are realistic, some that are less so. Some that might be attainable in a years time, others in a decades time, others never at all. We all have dreams and often we’re all required to stop believing in those dreams at some point in life. Maybe when we were young we wanted to change the world with our music, our words, or maybe we wanted to explore space or lost worlds like the ocean floor or the artic. Maybe you wanted to do this or that. Yet life proved to be different, the world proved to be different.

Most of us are forced to give up our dreams because we can’t practically chase them, because we have money that needs to be made, money that chasing dreams just doesn’t provide. So we learn young with the needs of having a roof over our head, food, and the like pressing on us that we need to give up chasing our dreams to get a “real job” one that will allow us to have these things, food, shelter, water, cleanliness, in some capacity or another. So we compromise, we do things we’re not thrilled about with people who at first we don’t like and usually end up hating over the years.

Our dreams get forgotten and often with them a part of our humanity. We lose a part of ourselves, maybe even become a burnt out husk of what we once were. We become hollow and we lose the fire that once burned inside us. It’s an insidious process that takes place every day, little by little whittling us away and hollowing us out. Our dreams drift further and further away from us all the while. With this comes weight gained, anger, depression, and a sense of futility. Things that don’t make for a good or healthy life.

Why Does This Happen & Can It Be Changed?

Money. In some ways it could be the root of all evil, at least when you get into the higher levels of it. But it’s also a life necessity, it’s what you need to survive in this world and time. You need money more then you need hunting skills, more than you need to know how to build a shelter, more than you need to know how to fight. All things that would have earned you shelter, food, and water before. Now do little unless you have lots of land to roam on and even then you’d still need money to pay the property taxes on it.

So you need money to do anything in life, even go off the grid. Money is the overwhelming need that bears down on us and never stops. We never don’t need money. It takes money to be brought into this world and it takes money to be buried when we leave it. Money, money, money. You might think this is a bad thing and in many ways it is. Money is the god of this age. But something being bad doesn’t change the fact that it is. And we have to understand that. Money, while not everything, is a huge part of this life and world and your wellbeing. With money you can have freedom to pursue what you want and be happy.

So many of us give up our dreams and compromise because we don’t understand a good way to acquire money, because of money needs. If we knew how to acquire money or at least knew we had to skills to go and get money we’d have an easier time taking the risks needed to achieve our dreams and make money. A bit of a catch 22, but so many things in life are anymore. So we need money to pursue our dream but the things that make us money keep us from pursuing those dreams or even doing the things we love like spending time with family. What’s the solution?

Risks & The Safety Net

Let me ask you a question. Lets say I laid a 2×4 plank across a flat piece of grass. Let’s say the 2×4 is 50 feet long and I said if you walk from one to the other in one try, without falling off, I’ll give you fifty bucks. You’d probably do it right? I’m guessing yeah, you’d give it a go. But now let’s say we take that same plank, nail it down so its as secure as anything could ever be, but place it across a space that’s a 1,000 foot drop and I offered you the same deal. Would you still do it? Probably not. And why? What’s changed?

Well obviously the risk has changed. Before if you fell off, what happened? You might kick the dirt and same “Damn” but not a big deal, you’d still have your life. However fall off from the heights and not only do you not get your fifty dollars but you lose your life. The risk has increased exponentially. Now let’s say we add one more factor here. Let’s say that a safety net is draped 10 feet below the plank and spans the gulf. And you can climb back to land if you fall off. Now there are some that’d say hell no but a whole lot more would take that bet now. What if I raised it to 1000 dollars, 10,000 dollars, one million? Then almost everyone is taking it with the safety net.

Through my writings I’ve listed a great many reasons that you should learn sales even if you’ll never work a sales job in your life, it’s human nature. And also it’s the quickest and most efficient way to make money. When you know sales you always have something to fall back on to make money. You have that safety net to walk across the planks of your dreams. Maybe a bit “on the nose” with my analogy but it makes sense doesn’t it? With sales you can afford to pursue your dreams because you have that safety net.

Learning Sales Is Non-Negotiable In My Book

There are a great many reasons for this. And I know for me personally sales is one of the skills that I’m going to be teaching my kids before they head out into the world. Again for a great many reasons. You need to learn sales too. It’ll make you smarter, wiser, more influential, more persuasive, more charming, more confident in social interactions, and it’ll give you the quickest, most efficient, and most effective path to making money. Allowing you to pursue your dreams and spend your time doing the things you want. So learn sales and have that safety net.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge