Review of The Werewolf Manifesto by Paul Waggener

The Werewolf Manifesto is the summerization of Paul Waggener’s “Operation Werewolf“, a movement dedicated for men and women to reclaim their natures, forge tribal bonds, and become the best that they can be. If that sounds a little like a self-improvement thing I can assure you that it’s something much deeper and more primal than that. This short little book (think it’s only like 60 something pages) pack a whole lot of punch and is a great introduction to the movement and being the baddest motherfucker you can be while also forging bonds with like minded men.

But like any book none of it will mean anything if you’re not implementing what you read and the Werewolf Manifesto is no different. The book could be read in an afternoon if you really wanted but what’s far more important is that what is contained within is absorbed and then even more important than that acted upon. I’ve shared a lot of Paul’s articles and videos but this is the first book I’ve had a chance to review and it was just as good as I was expecting from his other materials. Alright let’s get into what Operation Werewolf is and what you can expect to find in the Werewolf Manifesto.

A Physical Culture & The Balanced Man

Paul starts out the book explaining why it was needed. Operation Werewolf has been in operation for about 6 years and with its expansion there has been many misconceptions that pop up. So this book was written to clarify what Operation Werewolf and what it is not. And one thing that Operation Werewolf absolutely is, is a physical culture. What is meant by this is that a man must operate in the physical realm and challenge himself physically. He must know how to use fist and muscle. He must develop strength and fighting skills. Two things I’ve harped on as well.

Too many men hide behind their minds or supposedly being “spiritual” and look down on the physical but this is simply because they are weak and weakness of this sort has no place in the Werewolf Manifesto and Operation Werewolf. Paul also talks about balancing the physical with the mental and spiritual devoting a chapter to the development of each. Too often men don’t address all their weaknesses but instead double down wherever their strength is leaving them wide open to attack from a certain angle. Men need to be complete men developed from all angles. Physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Doers & The Temporal

“We find meaning through doing. It is not enough to be dreamers…We must be complete–we must be dreamers who can do ” a large part of Operation Werewolf and the Werewolf Manifesto is having your deeds match your words, on the back cover “actions matching words” takes up the bottom part of the triangle (along with “strong limbs” on the left and “pure hearts” on the right). Paul talks about having vision in one hand and deeds in the other and “Word must lead to deed”. Acta non verba.

“We can only live the way that we have the resources to live” Paul takes time to address the temporal needs that we have, biggest of all being money. Money is not evil and the acquirement of it is essential. Which is why I’m always recommending you learn marketing, sales, and copywriting the three most lucrative skills in existence. Paul talks about having wealth to strengthen not just yourself but also your tribe and brotherhood. “In this world, we must use the currency of the world to attain our goals” states Paul. Without money you cannot fuel your dream, be generous with and help your brothers and tribe, or free your soul from the rat race.


“Honor, in brief, is the performance of actions that bring strength and enhanced reputation to the individual or peer group”. Paul talks about how honor can be developed alone but how it’s hard and even then things work more effectively with a peer group/tribe. Paul talks about how honor is not universal but something to be used within an honor group and how shaming is not only good but needed to keep a group strong and headed in the right direction. The honor code of a group is also used to see who is not the right fit.

Someone who lives in “dishonesty and dishonor” needs to fist be confronted (another crucial aspect of an honor group) and if compliance does not come eventually expelled from the group. Paul also takes time to address the three “parts” of Operation Werewolf “Strong Limbs. Pure Hearts. Action Matching Words” and goes in depth what each means and provides a great outline not just for self-improvement but for being the best and baddest (in a good way) man that you can possible be. He also takes time to say what Operation Werewolf is not and that is a political organization of any kind or creed, it’s about building strong men and tribes not a political ideology.

The Iron Fist

This is a really unique idea that I think we all should strive to do regardless of participation in Operation Werewolf. The Iron Fist is an elite part of Operation Werewolf for men who have achieved high standards in all areas of life. Here are the requirements for being part of the Iron Fist. Be able to overhead press your body weight. Be able to bench press 1.5x your body weight. Squat 2x your body weight. Deadlift 2.5x your body weight. Train in a chosen martial art and then compete in that art. Attend 3 divisions events and attend Winter’s War and Baldr’s Funeral each year. Travel to another country. Start a business and put in the black (make it profitable).

I know a total of zero men who would not benefit from aspiring to such standards. So the attending events may not be applicable to all of us depending on our level of participation. And I would also include reading at least 2 non fiction books a month as well (for those that are just doing this on their own).  I think this movement is great and can inspire a lot of men to be what they were meant to be and develop the strength that will be needed in the future.

The Werewolf Manifesto

You really need to read the book yourself (it’s only 60 something pages and like 8 bucks on Amazon, you really have no excuse not to) to fully understand the concepts within and then most importantly implement them. I find Operation Werewolf and Paul’s message line up very well with my own and would recommend that everyone check it out. Even if you don’t become a full participant adopt the ethos. Become the strongest you can be and forge strong bonds with like minded brothers, that’s really what it’s all about.

So click here to begin your journey to becoming the strongest man you can be and get your copy of the Werewolf Manifesto today.


Charles Sledge