What Is The Purpose Of Life For A Man?

What it the purpose of life? In particular what is the purpose of life for a man? Many throughout the ages have given different answers. Some would say strong sons that will carry on his name with pride, this is important but it is not all there is. Likewise others would say to acquire vast wealth, again good but not all. When you boil it down there is really one thing that defines a man, one thing that makes him stand out from the pack. And that one thing is strength.

Not necessarily strength of arm (though important) and certainly not how much he can bench press (don’t make me laugh). But strength meaning power. The strength of the fire that burns in his heart. That fire that animates a man and makes him the highest of creation. The fire that every great man and warrior has felt. That fire that changes and shapes the world itself. That is the fire, the strength that I am talking about. Which brings us back to the question, what then is the purpose of a man’s life?


We were created to be more than we are. We were created to constantly rise through conquering every challenge that life and our enemies would throw at us. We were created to take our pain and turn it into progress. To be thrown into the fire and come out steel. To constantly ascend to the next level. To constantly become more than we were the day before. To constantly fight against overwhelming odds. To stand against fate and even if everything is against us, fight boldly.

Life is about ascension. All the great stories tell of heroes who through pain, suffering, and fighting became something more than they ever thought they’d be. Many ascended to be demi-gods something between God and man. Something more. Being born with a Y chromosome makes you a male, ascending to be all that you can be makes you a man. As I’ve said in all my writings, manhood is something that is earned through sweat, trail, and blood. You can’t become steel without going through the fire.

The Purpose Of A Man’s Life

So here it is brothers the purpose of a man’s life. The purpose of a man’s life is to become the absolute strongest that he can be in all facets. To meet every day fighting and becoming better in some way, shape, or form. To look the great of evil and trouble in the eye and meet it with a smile. To most this would sound corny or cheesy because they live in sheltered little bubbles. But for true men this will resonate with something deep down in your spirit. Something primal, something noble, and something fierce.

The purpose of life is to become the strongest that we can be. Strength is what matters in the end. Everything else burns away but strength. With strength you can defy the universe without strength you will always be a pawn to be used and discarded like a worn out whore. The universe and others will have no pity for you. But you should despise pity anyways. You should want to face the greatest challenges that there is, because in overcoming great challenges we become great men.

Look To The Heavens

A man’s focus should be on pursing the unattainable goal. The become like his creator. This is the greatest honor one can give. Man has been given the choice to ascend towards the angels or descend towards the beasts (and honestly modern man has sunk below the level of the beast). This is the greatest gift we were given. Even the gods themselves envied mortals for this. We have been given a choice, greatness or nothing. It all depends on how we conduct ourselves. The more we overcome the stronger we become.

Seek challenge, seek “pain”. Not pain as in self-inflicted pain but the good kind of pain. The kind of pain that comes from straining, fighting, and growing. Meet everyday to conquer it. Strive to overcome a greater and greater challenge every day. Life is about constant ascension, constant fighting, and constant growth. When all is said and done it will be this that matters. Become the most powerful you can be, that is the purpose of life.


Seek challenge. Seek it every day until what once challenged you is child’s play…and then seek an even greater challenge. Comfort is a lie that will destroy you. The strongest survive, if there’s one truth that holds true in this world that is it. Force yourself through the strongest fire so you can become what others will only dream about. Do what others would never do so you become what others will never become. That is the purpose of life. Become better every day.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge


  1. Damn! Another book, you are getting things done. Ordered Man Up started
    reading 5 am love it! Ever thought print versions of your books?

    • Oh yeah all of the 9.99 ones for sure. Just editing costs me a little bit so it’ll be a little bit before I convert them. But yeah plans are for all 9.99 books to be print and who knows one day once I’m making good money may just do all the 2.99 ones for the heck of it. And thanks for the purchase, appreciate it.

  2. Good honest advice that should be common knowledge but sadly isn’t very common anymore 🙁
    Good luck with the new Book too Charles

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