Posturing Vs. The Real Deal

Nuances are critical. In what? In just about everything in life. So much success (and failure) takes place between that thin line. Much of life is about balance (though some things are not about balance at all), and striking the right mix (think of the 80/20 rule). Think of the difference between confidence and arrogance. One stems from strength and the other stems from weakness yet many people think that they are synonyms instead of antonyms. Leading to all sorts of confusion and wrong ideas that keeps people in the dark. This is one reason (of a couple billion) why having wisdom and discernment is so important (glad I read Proverbs as a kid if only to get this concept).

Another example is being dominant vs domineering. Again one stems from strength and is hated the other stems from strength. Another nuance, while it’s fine to hate (and hate is a perfectly needed and rational response to certain things at certain times) it shouldn’t be what activates and motivates you completely. The best way I can sum this up is how soldiers talk about loving their brothers and fighting to protect them over hating the enemy (though obviously they hate the enemy as they should) but love takes the primary place if that makes sense.

Talking Vs. Walking

Being around the “fighting community” (don’t really like that term but you know what I mean) for most of my life I’d had my chance to see all kinds of try hard kids as well as dudes who could break me in half. And it’s been interesting to notice the differences between the two. Now I know at first you think that would be obvious but it’s not always so. I’ve seen big buff dudes who talk a lot of smack and frankly are probably intimidating to most people yet fall apart when they get struck or taken down likewise I’ve seen small tiny dudes where I’ve thought “Shit, if that guy bumped into me at a bar I’d probably laugh) destroy people.

So again it’s not always as simple as you think. But there is something that I’ve noticed something time and time again and it sort of goes back to the confidence vs. arrogance and that is that is the more posturing and actions (aside from a direct one) that someone takes the more they’re posturing and the less they’ll be able to do when the action starts. Meanwhile the one who keeps quiet and then quickly takes decisive action when the times comes, without much of anything ever being said. Again this is general guidelines but it helps illustrate a bigger point I’m getting at.

The More You Do The Less You Need Or Acta Non Verba

Most people will do anything (and I mean anything) to avoid putting in the work. They’ll do the most ridiculous shit and spend copious amounts of money (great marketing principle right there) to avoid having to actually do the work. Look at dumb shit like diet pills and the like, yet they’ll always outsell getting your ass to the gym and putting down the damn fork until the end of time. However if you want to be successful in anything in life (including life in general and being a man) then you cannot afford to think or more importantly live this way. You have to shut up and put in the work each and every time.

I can’t count how many kids say they’re going to be great fighters yet show up to the gym once or twice a month or how many say they’re going to lose weight and get in shape yet don’t take time to watch what they eat and so on and so forth. I say kids but this applies to adults just as much if not more so. Words don’t solve anything, actions do. Thoughts don’t solve or do anything but actions do. When you want something, don’t talk about it, no one gives a shit plus it dilutes the power and desire you have to accomplish it. Because your brain thinks you’re doing something towards your goal but you’re not. There are some exceptions to this (for example saying it to someone who’s going to hold you accountable and hold your ass to the fire) but those people are few and far inbetween.

Just Shut Up & Put In The Work

Stop talking, to yourself, to others. Put in the blood, sweat, and tears and then you can talk (but you won’t because there won’t be a need to). Let everyone around you be shocked and surprised by what you become and turn yourself into (in a good way). It actions and putting in the work when things actually start to change and make a difference. As long as things stay in our head they’re useless and have no power to them. It’s expressing them in the world that makes the difference and brings power to them. So all in all shut up and put in the work.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge