A Iron Clad Rule For Success, Productivity, Strength, & Vitality In Life

Something I have learned is that there is no point in arguing with losers or trying to change their mind or their loser ways. A big reasons that losers are in fact losers is because they waste so much of their energy and time in justifying the choices that they make in life that make them losers. As many wise men have said throughout time “A “man” who is good at making excuses is seldom good at anything else”. You see this all the time. The modern world or whatever you want to call it is all about rationalizing weakness and making excuses for people. It’s all about everyone giving into the worst aspects of themselves so they will never become anything.

Smoke weed, watch porn, play video games, watch TV, spend time on social media, get drunk, don’t sleep, eat crap, don’t workout, don’t fight, just be a dumb, fat, and happy sheep waiting to be sheared. That’s the ideal of our modern world and modern society. But that’s not what this is all about, this is about something more about something more powerful and essential. This is about increasing and developing your life force to accomplish all that you wish to accomplish in your life and achieve great things.

The Wisdom Of The Ancients

It cracks me up how often I’ll see someone talking about how stupid and/or dumb people from the past were compared to our “enlightened” times now. For example I remember someone remarking how stupid it was when their doctor said they should change their diet in order to improve a condition they had and another talking about how there was “no way” that taking a walk and getting some fresh air for 20 minutes a day would lessen their stress and so on and so forth. The modernist is not only the most arrogant but also the most ignorant. There are many things that were once known and understood that we have forgotten in our foolishness. The ancients knew more about how the world worked and human nature than we ever will.

Which brings me to something that essentially every society has talked about and made a rule and that is the elimination or drastic reduction of masturbation (and that was even before the plague of porn). Masturbation is the act of draining your essential life force by your own hand. It’s the act of destroying and lessening yourself for a few moments (literally) of fleeting pleasure. Now I know there are those that go the whole “hurr durr weed, porn, and masturbation is healthy, science says so!” not realizing how foolish they are for following the false prophets that’ll lead them to death.

The Iron Clad Rule

Here is my iron clad rule that had drastically improved my life. Not just my physical, spiritual, and mental wellbeing but also my station in life from how much money I’m able to make to things like how well I’m able to lift and fight in the gym. And that rule is “Only spill your seed with attractive women, no exceptions”. While wantonly spilling your seed is never a good option there is a huge difference between spilling it with a beautiful woman who you enjoy and spilling it to “scratch an itch” with a woman you’re not that attracted to or far far worse and destructive spilling it to fantasies in your mind or God forbid pixels on a screen.

Violate this rule and you will struggle with many things. Don’t violate it and you will accomplish many things. If every man ate decently, trained for warfare (fighting/lifting/outdoor things), abstained from masturbation, and read some good books we would have a race rivaling and surpassing the Spartans within a generation. That will never happen because of people’s love for weakness and the agents of weakness and destruction (drugs, alcohol, porn, masturbation, and the like). We have ignored the wisdom of the ancients (in this matter and many others) and are now suffering for it.

Become All You Were Meant To Be

Masturbation is destructive and a plague. Add porn to it and it’s a society destroying disease leading to the death of civilization and the weakness of males. And no that is not hyperbole but cold hard fact. Get rid of porn and masturbation and the “elites” could never get away with what they do. But as long as people embrace weakness, stupidity, and laziness through things like masturbation, weed, porn, and the like they will continue to be dumb sheep fit only for slaughter. So observe this rule “Only spill your seed with attractive women, no exceptions” and you’ll go far in life and further develop yourself into the man you were always meant to be.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge