Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes

I remember one day sitting at the table with a buddy in college and he was texting this girl he liked. And I remember him wanting to clarify something with her but refusing to text her and I remember asking him why doesn’t he just send another text to clarify if that’s what he wanted? To which he replied he never texted girls twice because it showed neediness. To which I replied that he was retarded.

Why am I bringing this example up? Well for a couple of reasons because believe it or not but the lessons you can learn from that little interaction can be incredibly life changing. So often people think that they want things that they actually don’t or they want things that’d end up being more trouble than they’re worth. Granted those who seek wisdom will have less and less of these problems but those people are few and far inbetween.

So often we’re playing games that even if we did end up winning them we’d never actually win because there are no winners. Now I know that sentence was as clear as mud so let me rephrase it. In relationships, business, and so many other places in life we feel like we have to play these stupid games to get what we want but the thing is when you do the song and dance that’s against your core you never end up winning.

Nobody Wins

For example say it’s a hot girl you like and you have to play all these games and do all these tricks with her and say hey you actually start dating (or sleeping with or whatever) her one day and you find. Hey this actually sucks because I have to do all these stupid games and tricks that just aren’t the real me. So even though you “won” the “game” you in actuality lost. Same with business. Say you have to kiss the bosses ass, do all this B.S. stuff, and this and that and then boom you get the promotion.

But now you find that’s what you have to do permanently now to keep the power and position that you have. And this isn’t to say there won’t be times in life when we have to stretch a little or do things that are uncomfortable to us and who we are as people. It’s just that we should be aware of it and aware of the dangers that it presents. Anytime in life you find yourself having to play a stupid game realize that should you “win” the game you’ll end up with a stupid prize.

I also realize that this is easier said than done. After all we all have to live and we’re all human and shit happens. That’s life. It’s just that overall we should be aware of what we’re doing and the games that we’re playing and see if they actually line up with who we actually are and what we actually want from life. Because if they don’t then we’re going to end up in trouble.

What Does It Profit A Man…

There was once a wise man who said “What does it profit a man if he should gain the whole world but lose his soul?” this has always been a saying that has stuck with me ever since I was young. Yet despite that I often found myself playing games I didn’t want to play and oftentimes winning those games and thinking “Okay that sucked.” but then going out and doing the same thing again.

Eventually I caught on but it was a lesson that took me a little longer than usual. This is another reason that lately I’ve been talking so much about finding what you actually want out of life because it’s probably not going to be fly in a G6 and hook up with girls who are essentially prostitutes for the rest of my life, or maybe it is, I don’t know but you need to. You need to in order to get the most out of life.

I don’t think this piece of advice is necessarily anything new. Just like in regards to health advice it’s nothing new to say “Eat more protein, lift weights” yet there’s a big difference between understanding you should do something and actually doing that thing. And it’s no different with this here. Are you playing games that you don’t even want to play because they go against who you are? Sure all of us will have to do it a little but is it your entire existence?

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge