Now It’s Our Turn To Impact The World (Matthew Schroer)

This is a guest post by Matthew “Matt” Schroer who is looking to see the Southern Man rise with the Red Pill banner. You can reach him at

In my previous article Want To Impact The World Around You?…Try Having Standards!, we learned the idea that feedback is a way to share your ideas about cultural norms you would like to see adopted. The ideas of verbalizing your expectations are just a start. The second piece to this puzzle is to put your best foot forward in this world.

Your best foot forward in this world is to be the best “you”. If you desire to have the best, proving yourself among the best is your best course of action. The goal to be a better “you” is a start and it contains a few “macro steps” that you might look into.

Embrace the Spartan and not the Modern Man

I, as a man, have noticed that quite often the men that blindly dream of those who have beauty in the top 5% are the entities that don’t have awareness of their own “mirror presence”. Improving your mirror presence is equal parts dressing like a man and treating your body like a temple (proper dieting, exercise). You can not be among the top 5% when you show the traits of someone that is not even “thriving” in the abyss (a stereotypical, unhealthy, and generally sorry condition). The bottom feeding model is somewhere between a pencil neck hipster and a 30+ BMI couch dweller.

Align the “Required Effort” with Presented Opportunities to Maximize Possibilities

A “broke ass” who can’t take care of himself should not be surprised when someone isn’t impressed with an observation of said “broke ass” condition. I’ll put into moron speak for you. Find a job that earns (x) amount of money (in demand in your area) then prioritize expenses and balance your damn checkbook. Get out of the comfort zone. Acquire skills on your off time. If need be, move for work. If needed, change the variables. If you must, sleep in a car. Stop making excuses. Adopt a DGAF attitude and accomplish goals. If you need help finding a decent paying career, check out the US Bureau of Labor Statistics website and consider the most in demand fields. (There are 24 hrs. in a day to start a hobby/side hustle that can grow into something eventually, find help from other men… just do it…it’s a “man’s way”). The trades are a harder upfront approach, but it speaks magnitudes over many of the front office type careers that have sucked the soul out of many blue pill men. The trades also fill the “creation/destruction” instinct.

Acquire “An Army” of Associates of the Trusted Few

A man’s impact on this world ranges beyond a digital footprint. Our world was built on productive men and their voluntary associations with likeminded men, (one of my favorite examples given was Jack Donovan’s tribes). Common sets of beliefs and upheld standards make an army an army. Outside of this, trust is earned. The few will persevere to hold on as integral pieces of that army. A man among men is a wholesome concept.

In a sick mix of the “Golden Rule” and pseudoscience lies the requirements for “what it takes”. A value exchange is the end goal. It is up to you to enable that exchange. The combination of these “macro steps” will bring you closer to the “target model” that will allow you to meet other “models”. Following wisdom and appropriate sentiments will allow you to weather the spiritual darkness. As we complete this article, I would like to leave you with parting sentiments:

                 It must be put in the simplest terms:

  • It is time we make steps away from our personally created abyss (or what I call the accumulated darkness of societal evil and prior mistakes).
  • It is time to reject the easy narratives presented by the established media.
  • It is time to ignore the “easy”, easy hasn’t worked and it is leaving mankind feeling empty.
  • It is time for men that have been quiet to be vocal and to speak with purpose.
  • It is time for men to appear as a calibration point for other men.
  • It is time to follow logic and reason, even if emotionality is easier.
  • It is time to be better because yesterday’s victories are but a building block.
  • It is time to forgive because grudges prevent forward progress and cause a lack of focus.
  • It is time to associate with like minds and to break binds with those that are detrimental.
  • It is time for us to stop procrastinating because now is the best time.

Charles Sledge