While things are certainly rough overall in our culture and times that is no excuse to whine and throw in the towel. Though feminists or it’s twin “the red pill/MGTOW” (or at least what it’s becoming) would have you believe that the opposite sex is all evil and out to get you and while caution and prudence are always advisable and needed more than ever there is a lot that isn’t being said here. And it’s what’s not being said that is critical and required for a full understanding and thinking of things without going down the wrong path.
Otherwise you get stuck in places that you never want to be stuck in. In our modern age we have more losers than ever, in every way, shape, and form. And this isn’t just true for a single religion, political orientation, ideology, or anything else but across the board. People who are mentally, spiritually, and physically unfit in a myriad of ways primarily through their own doing (but often with the encouragement of cultural and other factors). Again true in every facet of life monetary, mating and dating, physical, and everything else.
NAXALT & Being The Exception
So most people are unhealthy (in far more than just physical ways) and our society is sick and decaying at the core. With that being said let’s move on to how this effects you and your mindset. You all often hear guys in the manosphere go on and go about the NAWALT fallacy. Meaning that they’ll share how overall women act in a certain way (for example hypergamy) and then someone in the comments will say that they know a woman who didn’t act in that way and that therefore that disproves the assertion. However this isn’t true because just because you can name an exception (and let’s assume it’s true) doesn’t mean the principle is wrong.
This is called the NAXALT fallacy. Now however people can still get a wrong idea in their head about this. For example many males interpret AWALT as all women are horrible evil creatures just waiting for the millisecond they can use their hypergamy to fleece you off all your money and then cheat on you which obviously isn’t true. So let’s talk about the problem with all of this and what it means for you and getting you what you want out of life.
The middle is sinking. The average person is becoming worse (average man is becoming weaker, and average woman more of a whore, well slut technically) and because of this you need to keep your head up and eyes open going into anything. However this doesn’t mean there aren’t exceptions to the rule and once you become an exception yourself you’ll start coming into contact with others who are as well. Remember the importance of like attracts like, something that is often lost on the manosphere. Which often degenerate in nihilism and lack of action because of the perceived “futileness” of it all.
All Is Not Lost But You Have To Put In The Work
There are still great strong men who would make great brothers and beautiful chaste women who would make great wives and mothers, but they are rarer than ever and getting rarer by the day. However if all you seem to come across in your life is weak males and ugly and/or slutty women then you have to frankly take a look in the mirror. If everyone you come across and meet is shit then it’s you (or you need to move, but even then it’s still at least partly you). If every woman you meet is slutty, ugly, a feminist, or something else you don’t want then you need to address why that is.
Again like attracts like. So as you see with a bit of work you can “bend the rules” so to speak. You can have a strong brotherhood, a great marriage to a great woman, and strong sons and virtuous daughters. Despite the world, human nature, culture, and everything else standing against these things. But the key is you have to be the exception and put in the work. In other words this is not something that “just happens” or is given to you. It’s something that you have to go out claim and build for yourself.
Don’t get stuck in the “woe is me” or “it’s useless” bullshit often spouted by the red pill and MGTOW. Put in the work and reap the rewards, this has always been true and always will be true. If you want some suggestions as to where to start with this. For brothers I recommend old school gyms and fighting “clubs” (dojos, boxing gyms, etc.) and for women I recommend a good church. But against none of this matters without like attracting like. You have to be someone to get something worth having. I think the red pill represents a good stage but if not moved beyond can become toxic.
So all in all understand that while on average (which is all we can really be sure of) things tend to be a certain way but at the same time there are exceptions and that reality is in fact more complicated than any theory can make it out to be. There are nuances and deeper understandings that we should move on to and look from. This doesn’t mean to let go of reality as many do or pretend like it’s not there what I’m advocating for is the opposite to dig deeper into reality and see that it’s not all black and white and shades of grey but something even more.
If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it.
-Charles Sledge