Setting Up The Paywall & What The Future Holds

I want to give y’all and update on the status of turning this site into a membership site. Something that I am 100% certain is the right move to do. Again from helping those reading the advice to apply it more to keeping the crazy and easily offended out. I plan on starting this on January 1st, 2019 figured that’d work well with the new year and all.

To be honest this is a little more complicated than I thought but is something that I’m sticking with and will eventually figure out (I hope). Again I plan on charging a pretty nominal fee something like 10 or 25 bucks depending on what I decide to do. And I do plan on offering a higher tier as well with direct messaging/coaching with me for like 50 a month or something.

Again none of the prices are set in stone but that is probably the general idea that I’m going towards. I like this idea a lot more anyways. This site will be sort of like a magazine that you pay for access to. This also allows me to share a lot more and be a lot more honest which is refreshing to be honest and something that I’m looking forward to.

January 1st, 2019

Is the planned date of the change. I’m also looking forward to being able to do some more “hands on” coaching (so to speak) to really facilitate change in readers to transform their lives and get them the life that they want. Unfortunately I’ll not be able to give away free advice through emails anymore as that wouldn’t be fair to those paying.

Then again I’ll actually be getting paid for my advice which is always nice. I’m also looking forward to writing about deeper subjects instead of having to focus on the “get laid/paid/ripped” stuff for SEO and monetization purposes.

Not that those things don’t play a role in a man’s life or aren’t “important” in their own way. It’s just that there’s so much more I want to write about and explore. Don’t get me wrong I’ll still address those subjects and this site isn’t changing in way that’s not true to the original message. It’s just I’ll start covering more as well.

Exciting Things To Come

Something else I’m looking forward to is having a more back and forth relationship with y’all. I know that a lot read but don’t write and I’d like to get more feedback for more specific things to address and directions to go in.

I look forward to evolving and y’all evolving with me. Becoming more and more and going higher and higher in life. Being the examples and strength that is needed in this world. As well as learning new things. In our own community and place.

The plan is to have a “leaky paywall” system where someone can view a couple of articles but then to read any more they have to pay the fee. That and the books is what will work as “lead generation”. But any new articles I write I think I’m going to have “behind the paywall” where you have to be a member to have access to them.

So that way that old back articles can work as lead generation and the new ones will be just for y’all. Anyways I’m excited about what’s coming and I hope y’all are to. I’ve also thought about making a sort of “text” group for members (not using actual numbers but rather a system) but not sure how hectic that would get depending on how many members sign up.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge